Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Quick dream post

So I had another Doctor Who dream last night. :-) It was a little strange, but not too bad.

The Doctor (as played by David Tennant), Captain Jack and I were trying to find Donna, who had gone off with some friendly aliens. (And I don't know if she was on a different planet or what, I don't remember that part of my dream.) And for some reason the three of us were at the park across the street from my house trying to figure out what to do.

Jack and the Doctor decided that they needed a better viewpoint, from someplace higher up, so because I was "the smallest of the lot" I was elected to climb one of the trees in the park and look across the horizon to try and locate Donna. Kind of a good idea, if maybe we were on a different planet. But where I live if relatively flat, so I can't imagine what climbing a tree for a better view would do. Also, the tree I climbed in my dream wasn't really significantly tall... ANYWAY, this tree *was* tall enough that I couldn't just climb up, and I really don't have any upper-body strength, so the Doctor gave be a leg up.

So I'm perched in this tree, trying to maneuver into a position that would allow me to move without loosing my balance. And the Doctor gives me this golden telescope that I need to use to scan the horizon. Because not only are we looking for Donna, we are also looking for some place that is quite high up to hide for some reason that wasn't imminent or dangerous.

As I look through the telescope, I'm trying to move around to see through the leaves of the tree. (Because for some reason I don't climb to the top of the tree. I'm just sitting on the bottom-most branches.) The conversation went like this:

Captain Jack: Can you see anything?
Me: Not yet. *extends the telescope* It just looks the same.
Doctor: You'll have to adjust the settings.
Me: *Takes telescope away from face and looks at it* How do I do that? There aren't any knobs.
Doctor: Turn the end of the big lens towards you.
Me: Towards me? Which way is that?
Doctor: To the right.
Me: Ah.

After this I start to move around some more, trying to get a better view through the tree.

Me: There's too many leaves... I can't see through. AH! *Leans forward, slips, and almost falls out of the tree. Captain Jack and the Doctor move to prepare to catch me should I actually fall out of the tree.*
Captain Jack: Are you okay?
Me: *clutching the tree, trying to catch my breath. Somehow I have managed to not drop the telescope* Yeah, I'm okay... The tree is just a little slippery. I'm just glad I didn't fall... I could have broken my arm!
Doctor: *in his most confident, reassuring tone of voice* Don't worry, I'm a doctor. You would have been fine.


So I ended up not being able to see anything important from the tree, even with the telescope. (Which didn't do anything different, btw.) And we're walking around, now in a place I've never seen before, and we find Donna and she is with these aliens that look similar to the aliens growing the clones in STAR WARS: Attack of the Clones, but with shorter necks and not fancy clothes. And they were kind of upset for the same reason we were looking for a high place to be, (except in my dream I wasn't scared or anything, so I have no idea what was going on) and Donna was doing her calming thing, i.e. talking to them gently, and being quiet and reassuring. (like in Planet of the Ood) Donna came with us and all I remember about this part was that I looked her straight in the eye and said that we missed her a lot and she smiled.

In my dream we ended up finding a high place to be in my neighbor's backyard... They had one of those swing-set towers that you climb up and then go down the slide on the other side... Except that it was really tall... Like about a story high.

And then my dream ended with Captain Jack, Donna and the Doctor going off to grab some supplies and me playing fetch with my dog.

So that's it... Kind of weird, but cool. I mean, I like it. :-)

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