Thursday, July 24, 2008

Just in case you were wondering...

I hate my job. I hate it so much. I hate having to work from 3:30 pm to 2 am. Every day. I usually don't get to bed until 2:45-3 and then I sleep in til 11:30 am. Jessica works from 9 am to 5:30 every day. Then goes home and gets to sit and watch all the movies I wanted to see with her, because I'm at stupid work. Every freaking day.

I also hate work because the people in charge are saying that we are probably going to have to work 10 hours on Friday and another 4 on Saturday. WTF. For real. WTF. The ONE WEEKEND I have plans with Rachel D. to go visit Rachel V. and they are saying I have to work 14 hours overtime. I came home in tears and would have been yelling about how much I hate my job if it hadn't been 2 am.

I am so angry about this, I am in tears. I am blogging at 3 am, crying, and eating the king size twix bar Rachel D. bought me, because she could tell that I was having a crappy day.

This afternoon I also ran out of gas on my way to work. I luckily had enough momentum to get off the highway. But then I had to sit there and wait for mom to bring the gas can, so I could get to work. I ended up being only 10 minutes late, and I didn't get in trouble (which I actually was worried about.) But still. I was already running late. I didn't give myself time to get enough to eat... It was not a happy situation

I do not want to buy that Chevy Lumina. It is exactly like Leah's car, except it is white with a blue interior. I don't care if it is kept in better condition. I do not care that it is only $4,000. I do not want it. It's like the Buick. Don't tell me I can trade it in in a year because knowing me, that won't happen. Next year I'll graduate, get kicked out of the house, and be too busy finding an apartment and a job (THAT IS NOT AT A STUPID FACTORY) that I won't have the time or the opportunity to shop around for a newer car and then I'll be stuck driving a car I didn't want in the first place. That is why I don't want the Lumina. I just didn't feel like it was polite to explain all that while we were at the car dealership. So I'm angrily blogging about it.

And I wish people would stop sending me Lil' Green Patch invitations on Facebook! I DO NOT WANT ONE.

Rachel D. and I collaborated and made Doctor Who-themed scene using potatoes for the North Iowa Fair "Potato Parade" catagory and it only got 2nd place. Honestly, I feel gypped and want to know what that judge was thinking. We made a TARDIS and everything! 2nd place???? REALLY? And Stephen's "Batpeople" were super cute. And Philomena's Sumo Wrestlers? That came with captions! I think they deserve more than a Merit ribbon. Lame lame lame lame lame. REALLY LAME! Rachel did most of the work on the potatoes and the whole thing is really cool! WHAT THE CRAP????

I have many more things to rant and rave about. Mostly about my being single and my perceptions and opinions regarding people who are couples. But I have a feeling that I would regret what I said later. But still....

... I still haven't finished reading Eclipse yet. Mostly because it makes me feel frustrated about being single. I'm just tired of being lonely.

... I'm just in a mood where I don't want anybody to be happy, if I have to be so miserable... I'm at the highest point of what Rachel V. calls my "Contrary Mood" which usually means that almost all social filters leave my brain and my tendency to audibly state what I'm REALLY thinking increases significantly. Usually it's the mean, nasty, sarcastic ones.

Have I mentioned that I hate my job????

Oh. And working on Friday means that I'll miss the TV airing of the 1st part of the Doctor Who Season Finale. It's not the same watching it illegally on YouTube.

I am just tired of dealing with life. It's 4 am. I'm going to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*Gives digital hug*