Friday, July 11, 2008


So someone, somewhere... Well, in Houston Texas..... Somehow got a hold of my debit card number and bought $298.15 worth of something at a Diamond Shamrock over the 4th of July weekend.... And it wasn't me.... From talking to the bank, it *sounds* like I will get reimbursed, but it will take a while.

Super LAME!

Now I have to pester the bank every day to see the progress on my account.

Remember these commercials? Well, they are excellent at conveying the idea of what I'm feeling right now... Having someone I don't even know spend a lot a lot of my money...

I'm just glad I didn't have my student loans in there.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I hope everything works out! Stupid people.
HUGE pit of piranhas for them!
BTW, do you remember the commercial like the one you posted where it's this guy talking about a $1500 leather bra? lol That one is my favorite. =]