Monday, August 16, 2010

Dear Diary...

Today I took my boyfriend to the Iowa State Fair. He had never been before and we both had a really good time.

We went to see Mallory Lewis perform (daughter of the late, very great Sheri Lewis) with Lampchop and Hush-Puppy. The best part was went Mallory picked Dan to come up on stage and dance with her and Lampchop during a song.

Afterwords Dan bought me (and one for himself) a Lampchop doll and we had them autographed. <3 And then Mallory Lewis found out that Dan writes music and said for him to find her on Facebook to help her write some songs for her act. And she was serious.

We also saw the butter cow, the animals and ate lots of delicious fair food.

And then we didn't die on the drive home.

It was a good day. A very good day. A wonderful send-off to the summer in fact!


P.S. Dan beat me in the game of Cows and Dead People: 5 to 2. Next time I will win.

1 comment:

Apanda said...

You can't win 'em all, but you can cheat by blindfolding him and saying your taking him to a "surprise date".