Thursday, May 13, 2010

It's coming... You can't stop it... Water waits...

So it has rained in Sumner pretty much since Sunday night... Last night we had a fantastic thunderstorm! And it rained some MORE! This morning it was foggy. Bremer, Black Hawk and the surrounding counties are under a flood warning. Below is a picture of behind my house...

That's my garage there on the right. The water is about knee-high at the deepest. I know this not because I measured it, but behind my garage is a little skate part-thing and I just watched a bunch of stupid kids try to ride their bikes through the water. The water came up to the center of the bike wheel, and when they FAILED at trying to ride down the skate ramps on the bike they lost momentum and had to get off their bikes. THAT'S how I know it's about knee-high. The stupid kids stayed out there for about 5 minutes and then left.

And no, Dad. I have not checked my basement. Maybe I'll check it tonight. Or maybe I'll make Jessica do it when she comes on Sunday.

And I just saw more stupid kids ride by my window on their bikes. The looks of excitement on their faces tell me they are going to play in the water. And these kids are wearing shorts. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PARENTING THESE DAYS????!!!!

Also, no phone calls about jobs yet. It's been two weeks. :-P


Rae said...

Are you waiting for baby MOSES?!?!

Matt said...

I want to bike in the water..... :P