Thursday, May 27, 2010

Social Networking told me I didn't get the job...

Facebook is continuing to increase its level of things that are annoying.... It has definitely lost its luster and excitement compared to when I joined in 2005. I'm not sure I'm going to delete my account, but is there a way to turn off the newsfeed?

I don't want to know who is also interviewing for the same job. I don't want to read that someone accepted a job where I also interviewed... With the date of their announcement posted a day before I received the rejection email. I can't fault that person for being excited and happy that they have a job. I'm just frustrated with how the school in question handled the situation.

Social networking is a blessing and a curse. (And this isn't just about Facebook's stupid changing privacy policy. Read this and this to see my point.) It's nice to catch up and connect with people who you haven't heard from in a while... But...

I've decided that Facebook is not how I want to find out about things. If it's important or significant, you should contact me outside of Facebook. Mary, you have a new boyfriend? Freaking-HELLOOOO??? WHY did I JUST find that out on Facebook????? Leah, back in March of 2007 you became engaged and you didn't CALL ME??? You let me find out on FACEBOOK??? I was your roommate! (Yes, that still irks me.)

Past actions aside, (because I'm guilty of some of this too) that will no longer be the case. My important announcements will not be made on Facebook. I'm not going to announce if I have an interview, I'm not going to say if I have a new job. If it's important for you to know, I will call, text or write it here. This is my little space on the interwebs. Don't expect it on Facebook anymore. I'm frustrated with the apathetic connections Facebook is creating, as well as the gossip, drama-filled "look at me" environment of the newsfeed. Not to mention the "interest specific" advertisements that DRIVE ME CRAZY!!!

*siiiiiiigh* Facebook is dumb. I'm going to go pack up my classroom.


Rae said...

I'm sorry you're so frustrated my love. But don't leave me! I share many, many things with you via facebook. Things that woould be difficult to share any other way.
Just let it run off your back.
It's just a stupid website.

Anonymous said...

It's too bad you feel this way. If the tables were turned, would you have done the same thing? Hmm...

Sarah said...

I would have waited. I haven't even posted in my Facebook statuses that I'm looking for a full-time job. I know I'm competing against many of my friends on Facebook and we could be interviewing for a the same jobs. I don't think anyone would want to find out they didn't get the job through a Facebook post.

Yes, I would have waited. Or said nothing at all. It really sucked seeing the time stamp on the Facebook status was the day before I received the rejection email.