Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to: Jessica, Julia, Jill, Kristen, Rachel, Nicole, Becky, Mom, Dad, Mary, Matthew S., Daniel, Philomena, Stephen, all my aunts and uncles, their families, both sets of grandparents, and everyone else!

Happy Holidays! You guys rock, and make me smile! :-)

Now I just have to get through finals...

ANYWAY, we have a slight probelem.... Our oven is broken! A neighbor has graciously allowed us the use of theirs, so we are now running back and forth across the street as my mom bakes and cooks for the big meal of the day... How crazy is that?

My siblings are watching the Macy's Parade... Evidentially, Mr. Potatoehead just went by.

Oh! And there is still snow here! LOL... It's mostly in the ditches, but it's there!

It's sunny! I'm glad, as poor Charlie the English Ivy Plant is starting to waste away back in the dorm... The sun will do him good.

I'm hungry! I can't wait for the turkey and gravy! YUM! :-D

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