Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Hallowe'en!

Toe update:

Tuesday, around 9:30 am I went to health services on campus and the nurse looked at it, and said I should have it looked at by the doctor. *sigh* Okay, so I call Julia because I want her to come with, for moral support. And then I try to scrounge up a ride... Rachel was in the shower, and wouldn't be out in time for my appointment, Julia couldn't get a hold of Jill, and I couldn't get ahold of Matt. (I found out later that he was sleeping... lol) Soooo I called Erik, and wake him up, and he agrees to take me to the health center.

Sooooo we get there.... after I hobble out to D Lot... And we get to the clinic, and I fill out paperwork, and MORE paper work... Just paperwork out the wazoo!

Then I wait, and before I can figure out what's on Nick Jr. the nurse calls for me. And I go back.... and she weighs me... (No "freshman 15" yet! YES!!!!) Then in the examining room, she takes my temperature and pulse... (Quoi??? Yes... I'm alive... and my toe has not been festering to the point where it would cause a fever...) And then I wait again. And the doctor comes in, and he's like "Sooo, I hear you have an ingrown toenail..." and I'm like: "Uhhhh, I have no toenail..." So he takes off the band-aid and looks at my toe, and guess what...

He suggested that it would probably be in my best interest to have it removed. (um... what's left of the nail in my toe... just incase there was any confusion... I DID NOT have my toe amputated...)


So after much not funness, I decided, okay... let's just get it over with...

However, the worst part is, I had to get shots in my TOE to get it removed... :-( So I called the nurse at health services and she came and helped me get through it...

Wow... It hurt a lot... And I'm not exaggerating! I survived my vaccinations this summer, but this! :'( Since they had to numb my toe, they actually had to FIND the nerve they were going to numb.... THREE TIMES!

Yes. I had to get three shots. In my toe. AHHHH!!!!!

When the shots were done, after lots of crying, I had to wait for my toe to numb. When it did the doctor pulled the nail out... And it didn't hurt but I saw later that there was lots of blood on the towel thing... gross....

Yeah, so now my big left toe has NO nail on it.... It was really really tender for like, the WHOLE week... Today was the first day I wore close-toed shoes for work, and I was fine! YAY!

Okay, so TONIGHT, since it was Hallowe'en they had this Monster Ball in the Mensa, and you could wear costumtes. I work my Rebecca dress, and Matt wore 5 different colored masks and changed them whenever he was depicting a different mood. It was really funny! Rachel joined us, and then dashed off, because she thought she had a rehearsal with her accompianst. (It ended up that the rehearsal is tomorrow.)

And then, after dinner Matt had his "suppilmentary instruction" and I went and worked on my paper... And I got it done!!!! YAY! A DAY before it's due!!! I think this is a record. I then took it to Pathways, (the reading/writing/speaking lab) and went over it and they helped me straighten out some stuff. It wasn't too bad... I'm interested to see what I'll get on this paper. *sings the praises of Pathways*

This morning was the most awake I think I have EVER been in my 7:45 am religion class. It was awesome! I wish I had more time to sleep!

I practiced my flute today, and my piano lesson kinda stunk. I need to practice my percussion....

THANKS FOR THE CARD MOM! I LOVE YOU!!! And the stamps rock my swashbuckling socks! :-D I love the Muppets!

Work was long and boring... but they had mintchocolate chip ice cream which is my FAVORITE so I bought some after work.

Mmmm... What else? I don't know...

I had a fabulous time at Sam's! She was really busy, getting ready for her school play and all, but it was better then not seeing her at all.

Oh, tonight, while watching Most Haunted Live! Rachel and I had a tickle fight. It was really fun, and we got kinda wild, which prompted Matt to duck out of our way... (And he's kinda ticklish too... haha)

Well, how's that for a random update? I tired... So I'm off to crash in my lumpy-pokey mattress.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After losing a toenail, you're still horsing around? College students never learn! (Yes, that was a slam *wink*). Love Ya!!!