Saturday, August 13, 2005

Movie Premiere!

Wow... The premiere was amazing.... I was so impressed!!! I am in love with this movie! But, to start at the beginning...

I got up this morning, and around 10:15 am, I went to the church to help set up for tonight. I really couldn't do much, because I didn't know what to do... But I got to help Drew's mother set up the dessert table, and I moved various artificial plants out of the way.

At 11:30 I ran to Subway to get some lunch for Jason, and I hung out with him during his half hour break at Hy-Vee. That was uber fun!!! :-D

Then, back at the church, everything was pretty much set up... They were actually watching it on the screen as the DVD burned a copy for something. I left when my character's death scene came up... I wanted to save that for the premiere.

Then I went home, and Andrea came over, and we got ready for the premiere... She wore this smashing brown dress and I wore this midnight blue dress. We painted our toe-nails, and did our make-up and hair... Oh, it was great fun!

We left around 6:10 because we were supposed to be at the church at 6:40 for the limo ride. On our way, we pulled up to this stoplight, and there were about 5 motorcyclists in the left lane... Andrea and I kind of looked at eachother and were like "Ooooh, gosh..." and sure enough... They started cat-calling and reving their motorcycles at us... Andrea and I we laughing sooo hard as we drove away... But it was a satisfying feeling knowing that other people thought we looked good. ;-)

We got to the chruch and they had the red carpet duct tapped and ready to go... Isaac, John, Drew, Chad, and Laura were all finishing last minute preparations inside... And Jason and Paul were working on the sound system or something... We took some pictures, and the limo finally got there, and we took more pictures... Then we climbed in, and cruised around...

It was crowded in the limo... We drank sparkling apple juice, and that was cool... John and Isaac gave some speaches, and we drove around... Jason called my phone, because there was some sort of problem at the church, that really wasn't a big deal at all... I couldn't hear what he was saying, so he called Isaac's phone, and they got it figured out.

We got back to the church at 5 til 8, and there were alot of cars there... It was awesome!!! There were people outside, and John and I walked in together first, then Isaac and Laura...etc... People took pictures, and we smiled and waved... It was SO incredibly fun! We went into the church, and took our seats, and everyone filed in and took their seats...It looked like there was about 75 people there! John made an announcement for everyone to turn off their cell phones, and please only laugh at the parts of the movie that are supposed to be funny... And then he sat down, and the movie started...

I've already said it, but WOW! I just sat there with the biggest grin on my face! Isaac, John, and Drew did an OUTSTANDING job... The music was well picked, and it set the mood very well through out the movie... I was scared about some of my scenes looking really corny, but the music fixed that, and they actually looked pretty good!

The scene where my character dies... I was pretty happy with it... Considering the circumstances in which we filmed it... (lol) When I first get 'shot' I actually look like I am in pain... The cut after that, when I have lines isn't as great, but that's definately better then I thought!

After the movie, several people came up to me and said "I almost cried when you died..." And I'm not quite sure how to take that... Were they touched by my character, that they felt something when she died? Or is this an 'almost, but not quite' type of indifferance....? Personally I prefer the former line of thought.

When the credits started to roll, the room burst into wild applause! I cannot describe that feeling of accomplishment... I am totally unable to express the gratitude I feel towards Isaac and John, for including me in this endeavor... I feel SO lucky... It was the chance of a life time, and I wouldn't have traded ANYTHING for it!!!!!!

Jessica, her friend, Merideth, Julia, and Kelvin all came to see me! It ment so much to me! It was great!!!! They ROCK! *hugs*

After the movie, the door prize drawing was held. Daniel won a screen shot, my Dad won some candy, and Matthew won John's sword. Jessica also won some candy, and Merideth won a screen shot too, I think. It was pretty cool! Then we all possed for different pictures and stuff.

After everyone left, we started cleaning up... And Andrea and I danced to the music they were playing over the sound system... I now know how to Cha-Cha... but not very well...

When that was all done a bunch of us sat around and talked about random things.... LAN parties... Knights of the Old Republic... Rope knots... And finally we decided to go to Perkins. That was great fun too! Jason tried to get me to record a new message for his cell phone's voicemail... it didn't work very well... I couldn't think of what to say, so it kept hanging up. Isaac, Drew, and Paul, made pictures on plates with ketchup, Andrea had a piece of pie, and Laura and I split an ice cream sunday! :-D

Jason had to be home by 12 am, so he left early... :-( And when we finished our food, we all finally mosied on out...

Andrea and I just got home, and we're beat, so we're gonna crash...

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