Friday, August 01, 2008

To catch up...

Okay, so I was going to use this time to practice my flute... Which I haven't done all summer. (!) I'm bad I know... But! Now that I want need to practice, I cannot find my stash of music, including potential senior recital music. Somehow it got lost in the craziness of our basement flooding. I knew where it was BEFORE it flooded... And now I have no idea where it is. I called mom, but she was busy at the time. I'm not sure she knows where it is either.

Alright, so to catch up this blog on what's been happening for the past week or so.

So Rachel D. came to visit and it was a lot of fun! We did a lot of fun stuff--ordered pizza and watched Doctor Who, the Jesus Videos, and America's Got Talent. She came along as I test drove a Dodge Neon. We had corn on the cob for lunch and worked on our awesome Potter for President t-shirts! (Front: Potter, Weasley '08 in a presidential campaign-style arrangement. Back: Because Only Magic Can Save This Country".) We ate at the Barrel, tried to go to the municipal band concert, but it got rained out. We went swimming, saw Batman (which was better than I thought it was going to be. I still want to see Get Smart and Mama Mia.) We went and did the Fort Custer Maze, and test drove another couple cars.... A Pontiac Grand Am (I don't remember the year, but it was newer) and the 2003 Vibe, that I ended up getting. (Although I don't actually have it yet...)

What else did we do.... Oh, we went and saw the Sound of Music Puppets and stopped at our county fair... (Heehee.) She did the Doctor Who potatoes and I made the TARDIS. (Rachel, I still need to mail you your half of our earnings.) I gave her a tour of Clear Lake and I worked a lot a lot a lot.

Last Friday I put a deposit down on the Vibe and then went to DeWitt with Rachel D. to visit Rachel V. As per usual I was late meeting Rachel D. in Waverly (sorry!) but somehow it worked out that we reached Rachel V.'s house just as she was getting home from play rehearsal.

We then watched the first part of the season finale of Doctor Who.


OH MY GOSH! IT WAS SO GOOD! I at least was crying and yelling and terrified about what's going to happen next! It just totally BLEW MY MIND! I did NOT expect that cliffhanger!

And I'm going over to Jessica's tonight to watch the second half. Which should be interesting, seeing as she is not as interested in the show as I am, but lets me come over and watch it, because we're friends like that.

It's probably going to be quite amusing... I expect I will cry again and do some more yelling at the TV screen....

I CAN'T WAIT!!!!! (And it's been really hard not to cheat and watch the episode on YouTube....)

At Rachel V.'s we went shopping in Davenport and I bought some nice, trendy, modest "teacher clothes". We then all had fun trying on dresses at Dillards and then ordered Pizza and watched Hey Mr. Producer which is a tribute to Cameron Macintosh and it literally "musical theater 101." It even had a pre-Doctor Who John Barrowman! (swoon...) And then we watched Hello Dolly! which neither Rachel D. or I had seen before, aside from the 20 seconds they played in Wall-E. That was super cute too! It had a very very young Michael Crawford in it (the original Phantom in Andrew Llyod Webber's musical.) We were all entertained. On Sunday we went to church, watched Graham Norton and then ended up napping together on the couch after lunch. Sunday night we played Doctor Who Uno and Doctor Who Top Trumps (which I still think we haven't gotten the hang of yet....) It was fun! After all that we watched The Newsies which Rachel D. and I hadn't seen EITHER! Young Christian Bale? YES PLEASE! :-D

Really... I don't know how I missed seeing Hello Dolly and The Newsies before.... Crazy... I really enjoyed both of them! I want the soundtrack to the Newsies... And maybe the DVD...

I came back home on Monday and nothing exciting really happened since then. Just work. The usual. I mowed the lawn which was a lot more work than I thought. Mostly because it was so long. I had to empty the bag at least 5 times. Wednesday and Thursday the Factory was the hottest its ever been. 103 degrees Fahrenheit was the highest temperature of the two days. I have never felt so much like melting ice cream in my life. BUT the good news is that I potentially have only 4 days of work left. 5 if I end up having to work next Friday. *knocks on wood* Let's hope that doesn't happen. Last night, for the first time ever I got off work a half hour early. I really hope the world isn't coming to an end!

So, that's all for now... Have I mentioned I'm really excited for Doctor Who?

Oh, and if you haven't seen this already, watch Dr. Horrbile's Sing-along-Blog. It's totally fantastic! And a musical.... Hee!

P.S. My younger siblings are watching old school Looney Tunes.... I have forgotten how ridiculously violent they are... In an half hour of various episodes I've seen two suicides, various amounts of guns and dynamite and other self-destructive behavior. Not to mention alcohol usage and shticks, phrases and situations that are undeniably racist. I'm not really sure what I think about this...

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