Saturday, August 02, 2008

Season 4 and a podering...

So.... Doctor Who season finale........

OH MY GOODNESS, IT WAS AMAZING! I cried. I'm pretty sure this finale was more gut-wrenching than even Doomsday.

I can't believe I wrote this. Donna Noble! I love you!!!!!! *sobs*

I don't want to write anything spoilery... So that's all I'm going to say for now...

I found my flute music! Yay! :-D

But I've been thinking... I'm not quite sure I like blogger anymore. I mean, it's served me well, but I've discovered that there are other online journal websites that fit me better... Mostly LiveJournal. It allows private and friend only posts. It also provides links to a post within a post-type thing, which would allow me to write about spoilery things, and the reader wouldn't have to click to read the spoiler part. Plus, it'd let me consolidate all the online journals I have, mainly this one, MySpace and Xanga, which would then eliminate the triple posting, which takes a lot of time. (Because I have to re-format each post for each site.)

But I'm still undecided... Any thoughts? Opinions?


Rachel said...

Can non-LiveJournal-ers see the friends only posts?
Just curious.

Sarah said...

No, you have to be my "friend" on LiveJournal to read my friend only posts. But Xanga has that option too, and I think I used it... like once.

And you can still anonymously comment too.