Friday, August 22, 2008

Some lists...

Hey! So it's finally the weekend! It's nice to know that I now have a break, and don't have anything pressing to do. Like, assignments and stuff. (Yet, but we're ignoring that right now.) AND I don't have to get up at 6 am. (Thursday, when my alarm went off, I literally rolled out of bed and fell across the floor and almost bashed my head against the wall as I tried to get out of bed to turn off the alarm.)

There are things that I need to get done this weekend:

1. Finish reading Eclipse.
2. Make a list of things that I need to buy at Wal-Mart.
3. Go shopping for a birthday present for Jessica, since she was lame and already BOUGHT what I was going to get her. ;-)
4. Go to church, since I will already be in Cedar Falls.
5. Finish putting things away.
6. Practice my flute for my band audition
7. Write back to Oliver.
8. Fill out my student teaching hours sheet.
9. Get gas for my car.
10. Practice guitar.
11. Fill out paperwork to get the two broken arms chairs in our apartment replaced.
12. Measure Rachel V.'s room.

Oh, do you know what's lame? Knight Village is the ONLY place on campus that charges you to wash and dry your clothes. Wartburg Track and Field?!

Tonight I figured out how to attach my new license plates to my car! :-D Now it looks like a normal car! No more dealer plates! I've attached me parking lot registration. Now I just need to email security and change what car is registered with the sticker issued to me.

So, as of right now, I love student teaching! I'm starting to get the hang of it, but I still don't know all my student's names. I've decided I'm going to make an express effort to learn them this coming week. Band lessons start as well, so that will help. I think my cooperating teacher is brilliant and I feel really lucky to be places where I am. The hours are just a little difficult. Granted I don't have the hour drive, one way, like some of the vocal ed. people, but 25.3 miles one way is still a lot. To get to school by 7:45 am I have to get up by 6 at the latest. Once jazz band starts in September, I will have to be there by 6:45 am. Our first football game is next Friday. The first concert is in October, near Hallowe'en.

Mensa update: They now have bigger plates and bigger cups to use, instead of trays. This is bearable. I'm just glad I don't regularly eat soup, because that would make things a little harder to manage, but whatever. The bigger cups are really nice.

In the package mom mailed to me, which had my license plates, a lunch box, and other things I had forgotten, she included a giant lollipop... You know, one of those big, round, old-fashioned ones... Flavored: ice cream toffee. What kind of flavor is that mom? I like strawberry or maybe wild cherry. Haha... Maybe I'll save it until I'm really hungry and need sugar.

I'm still thinking about switching to LiveJournal, but I can't think of a journal title...

One last thing: since my birthday is coming up... Here's my Amazon wish list! It's a start at least! :-D

My Wish List

Night everyone!


Anonymous said...

I thought it said ice cream *taffy*. I guess I'm old and should put on my reading glasses.
Love ya!

Sarah said...

Haha, so I can't read either. It does say "taffy." But STILL! What kind of flavor is that????

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm not quite as old and daft as I thought.
You like taffy and you like ice cream; I thought you might like ice cream taffy. From now on you'll only get the standard tutti frutti if you get any at all!
Love ya anyway,

Sarah said...

I hate tutti fruiti. And I already ate the lollipop and it tasted like cotton candy. What the crap???

Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah,

You only get charged for washing in KV. The dryers have coin slots, but you just turn the machines on. Maybe we should ask before jumping to conclusions?


Sarah said...

Okay... I guess, I'll have to try and figure out how to run them again...