Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Kids come tomorrow!

Hello Everyone!

I suppose it's time that I properly update this, before everything gets really busy... Not that I'm not busy already... haha...

I moved back to Wartburg on Saturday. It took forever, but it went fine. Mom and I spent a lot of time measuring the room and moving furniture to make the best use of space in this little room. I'm the only one in the apartment right now, which isn't as bad as I thought it was. I don't have anyone to bother when I have to get up at 6 am, so I can play music and make noise in the kitchen. I still have a couple boxes to go through and I haven't hung any posters yet. I'm waiting for Rachel D. to help me decide where to put them. Living in these apartments will be nice. I love having a kitchen! I have become very adept at making ramen and Kraft Macaroni and Cheese.

Monday I went to my school for the first time and did teacher in-service things... Mostly moved furniture and sorted/filed music. I didn't mind it. My cooperating teacher is great, and I'm really excited to learn from him. Today there were some meetings in the morning and then after lunch there was more furniture moving and music sorting/filing. Tomorrow is the first day of school and I am really excited! :-D I'm hoping that student teaching will help improve my rehearsal technique and my knowledge of how to play brass instruments. I will be teaching 5-12 grade bands, and the first concert is at the end of October. I have 14 weeks to student teach, which means I will finish up around Thanksgiving.

I've started practicing in earnest for band auditions. I really want to make Wind Ensemble this year, so please keep me in your prayers. It also would be difficult to maintain a position in Symphonic Band, which rehearses from 3:50-4:40 when I don't get back from school each day until 4:45.

... Wouldn'tcha know that the ONE day off I have from student teaching, (the 24th of October, for conferences) is during Wartburg's fall break. Bleh... I was really hoping that would be a possible day for Outfly, since I won't be about to do Outfly-ish things this year... :-P

Tonight I got a phone call from Jessica and it went like this:

Me: Hey!
Jessica: Hi Miss Student Teacher!
Me: Hahaha! Hi! How's it going?
Jessica: Oh. My. Gosh! I-----LOVE----TWILIGHT! Like..... Edward Cullen..... Oh, my gosh! IT'S SO GOOD!!!!!!! I love it!!!!!!
Me: Haha!!!! YES! I told you, I told you, I told you, I told youuuuuuu!!!! Isn't it *amazing*???
Jessica: Oh, my gosh... Edward! I love Edward!

Hahaha, so yes. Another friend that I have gotten hooked on one of the best books ever written. *sigh* I can't wait to see the movie! Which is kind of bittersweet... They moved the movie up from December to November, taking over the now vacant Harry Potter slot... So yes! Early Twilight! and Boo... No Harry Potter until stupid July.

Okay, so that's all I have right now. I'm going to go scrounge up something to eat and then go to bed. 6am comes early.

Wish me luck! :-D

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