Thursday, August 14, 2008

Whoa... It's like... Thursday...

When did that happen? Where has this week gone? It's Thursday already... I move back to HogWartsburg on Saturday.... I've been packing sporatically this week. I hate packing. And trying to practice band audition music. I hate practicing too. Particularly practicing band music. I just don't like it. Sometimes it's like pulling teeth. :-P

I am kind of addicted to watching the Olympics on TV. Is this the case with anyone else? Men's swimming is my favorite, not just because Michael Phelps is freaking amazing. Synchronized diving and girl's gymnastics are two other good ones. :-)

Jessica and I are trying to watch all the Harry Potter movies before I leave for school on Saturday. We are on movie 3, which we both agree doesn't fit in with the other movies and doesn't "flow"like the other movies do. And I'd like to thank Jessica for putting up with my endless running commentary throughout these movies. I think the best part was the two times I yelled and jumped during Chamber of Secrets, once when a giant spider broke into the car's window and the other time when the Basilisk exploded out of the drain after Harry avoided it in the pipes. I had forgotten about those parts and this was the movie I saw 10 times in the theatre. HAHA!

I would love to own the Hello Dolly! and Newsies soundtrack... I just watched a YouTube video of a player piano playing a medley of Hello Dolly songs. It was cute. :-)

I started reading Eclipse again. *sigh* So much love! I really hope the Twilight movie is good....

Okay, that's all I have for now. Nothing else really exciting.

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