Sunday, December 25, 2005

"God bless us everyone!"

"Scrooge was better than his word. He did it all, and infinitely more; and to Tiny Tim, who did not die, he was a second father. He became as good a friend, as good a master, and as good a man, as the good old city knew, or any other good old city, town, or borough, in the good old world.

Some people laughed to see the alteration in him, but he let them laugh, and little heeded them; for he was wise enough to know that nothing ever happened on this globe, for good, at which some people did not have their fill of laughter in the outset; and knowing that such as these would be blind anyway, he thought it quite as well that they should wrinkle up their eyes in grins, as have the malady in less attractive forms. His own heart laughed: and that was quite enough for him.

He had no further intercourse with Spirits, but lived upon the Total Abstinence Principle, ever afterwards; and it was always said of him, that he knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge. May that be truly said of us, and all of us! And so, as Tiny Tim observed, God bless Us, Every One!"
-C. Dickens

Yes, that is our Scrooge, (Chris) and Tiny Tim (Caleb). Don't they look great? :-) This picture makes me smile!

So I spent most of the afternoon on Facebook, wishing people a Happy Christmas, then I practiced piano a little, then I read the FoxTrot comic book. It made me laugh! I love FoxTrot! :-D

Matthew basically won the game of RISK they had going, and Stephen watched VeggieTales Lord of the Beans 3 times in a row. I think it just got left on... And evidentially the DVD just repeats after awhile. I got tired, so I took a nap on the couch about halfway through the 1st repeat. It was a nice nap. :-)

Dinner was good! Ham, potatoes, dinner rolls, the standard. I had seconds, and I a very content!

You know what makes me really happy? All warm and fuzzy inside? When people think about me. I obviously don't mean in a negative way. But things like when friends call me up, or talk on AOL and are like, "Hey, we should do something together." Sitting in a movie theatre, surrounded by friends... Remembering, inside, the fun and compantionship of the summer. Or when a friend has something bothering them and want a person to talk to, or discuss problems with :-) What also give me lots of warm happy feelings is random text messages and comments in my blog. I got a text from a friend today that White Christmas was on TV, and another message the other day quoteing a joke we had both enjoyed. I know I am very much a dork, but these things really make my day! :-)

I have amazing friends! It's utterly true... Thank-you from the bottom of my heart! :-)

"It's in the singing of a street-corner choir,
it's going home and getting warm by the fire!
It's true, wherever you find love, it feels like Christmas!

A cup of kindness that we share with another,
A sweet reuion with a friend or a brother!
In all the places you find love, it feels like Christmas!

It is the season of the heart
A special time of caring
The ways of love made clear
It is the season of the sprit
The message if we hear it
Is make it last all year!"

A part of childhood we'll always remember,
It is the summer of the soul in December!
Yes, when you do your best for love it feels like Christmas!"

Gosh, I miss Wartburg...

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