Thursday, May 25, 2006


"I cannot say that I haven't been scarred... Afterall, I have been scarred..." -Shelia, Vietmanese Chess

Well... So here I am...

In my empty dorm room... No more classes... No more school... Just band.

I can't describe how weird it feels knowing I still have to be here through Sunday. Yet SOOOO many people have left because the school year has ended.

A part of me is in awe that I've made it this far, and another wants to run around screaming I'M DONE!!!! I SURVIVED!!!

Sooooo many things have happened this school year... Wow... Just wow... Do you want an overview? Well, it doesn't matter, because I'm gonna remince whether you want to read it or not... Obviously some of these are inside jokes, and it's soooo random and it switches tense, but I don't care.

I've gained so many friends... and lost one or two...

For a while Matt, Rachel and I were known as the "trio" because we were always together... We did almost everything together. Then there was this huge... I don't even know WHAT it was... But suddenly the trio wasn't a trio anymore, with me in the middle for a while.

Got over a heavy crush, by gaining a new crush... Which left me in tears when I FIANLLY realized that my feelings wouldn't be returned, and I saw that the attention I was looking for was directed at another person.

I was exposed to the awesomeness of Wicked, some songs from Avenue Q, Taylor the Latte Boy,, Most Haunted, tickle fights, dancing to Christmas music, the local Chinese Buffet, Boston Legal, House, The Light in the Piazza, and La Boheme.

I no longer am as fond of pumpkins as I once was. But my toenail is back... Completely... Which is good.

One night, at dinner, I randomly asked Julia: "Do you ever look at a person and wonder what gender they are?"

In the whole school year I have pulled ONE (almost) all nighter... I stayed up til 5 am working on my paper for my religion class... Then I slept through all my classes for that day...

I can remember two times when I called home and cried on the phone while talking to my mom.

I like to watch The Swordsmen, Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, and Pirates of the Caribbean when I get homesick.

When I call home, I always like to see if my little brother will talk to me.

"Moroku's been possed by a giant centipede demon!" --oooh good times watching Inuyasha...

"Screw you! I'm gonna die!"--Rachel pretending to be my ivy plant... which died....

Celebrating my first birthday away from home... And getting birthday cearal in the mail...

Trying to light the candles on my birthday cake... and trying to convince Matt, Julia, Jill, and Rachel that I would NOT burn down the whole dorm complex... Then watching Julia and Rachel light my birthday candles by the open window, with Jill holding the big box fan to blow all the smoke outside and Matt holding a blanket to smother anything that caught on fire.

I had a boyfriend for one week.

Drunk people running around outside at 3 am moaning "Outflyyyyyy"

Going to eat at Famous Daves when it actually was Outfly.

Learing how much I should practice my flute each day.

This school year I cried myself to sleep twice. Once was when the whole fight within the "trio" was going on.

A couple AOL conversations made me cry too.

So did a couple blog posts.

Forgetting that my bed was lofted and freaking out when my alarm went off the first day of classes and sitting up. And smacking my head on the ceiling really hard.

"SARAH! I don't have any pants on!!!!" -Rachel... HAHAHAHA! :-D

I left so many random voicemails on Jessica's phone this year... :-)

"Look at me. I am covered in fun. You are not." -Me

Talking about the differences of celery and rhubarb with Julia at lunch... Which led her to say: "Rhubarb is *this* big... Celery on the other hand, is more celery sized..."

Practicing in the FAC at 12 am.

Seeing John Willaims conduct the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.


Once there was a centipede on our carpet and I though it was a piece of hair... and I almost touched it. It was gross.

Almost falling asleep in band when Doc told us to close our eyes, so he could tell us a story.

Going to the Midknight breakfast at the start of fall term finals week.

Violently complaining about ITS when Wartburg Mail said "200 of 200 Users Logged On"

Staying up till 2 am with Rachel doing homework... And being so tired we were just silly and goofy... Almost to the point to where it seemed like we were drunk.

Eating cearal with vanilla ice cream instead of milk.

Matt eating a whole box of Rachel's mom's cookies.

Watching California Rasin Christmas, then White Christmas, then Sweeney Todd during "Christmas movie night" in Lourey's dorm.

Lourey doing my hair. :-)

Dancing with Rob backstage during A Christmas Carol.

Breaking a plate onstage during A Christmas Carol.

Discovering the "noise" for the first time.

Matt, Rachel and I sitting in the girl's bathroom on our floor, at 1 am trying to prove to Matt that there IS a noise.

Turning on all the faucets and flushing all the toilets at the same time while waiting for the noise.

Argueing with Rachel about the room tempurature... :-P

Listening to Brittany, a girl on our floor, run up and down the hallway singing the "Numa-numa" song at the top of her voice.

"AHHHHHHHHH AINT GOT NO BO-O-O-OD-DEEEEE!" -the singing skeleton head in our hallowe'en candy bowl.

Drawing pictures on our whiteboard.

Discovering that Saturday night dinners in the Mensa only last from 5-6 pm.

Ordering pizza and trying to explain to the delivery person where our dorm room is.

Matt doing his impression of Katherine Hepburn.

Discovering the singing mounted deer head at Wal-mart.

Burning popcorn in the microwave.

$1 movie nights.

Rachel throwing paper clips at me.

Talking about kissing and hickies.

Bryan FREAKING OUT because my bra-strap was on the floor.

Standing up under my loft and hitting my head.

Visiting Sam over Fall Break.

Visiting Isaac and Breanna over Tour Week.

Auditioning for Wind Ensemble. Twice.

Playing cards at 12 am in the lounge.

Rocking out to Julia's John Denver record in the FAC.

Backrubs from Jon Runaas. :-)

Taking showers at 2 am.

"OMG! Look at that jawline!"

Trying to argue with Rachel that if wienerschnitzel is made out of veal, which is young calf, chickenschnitzel should be made out of baby chickens...

Our stupid closet doors that are broken...

Pining with Margie and Rachel about being one of those "good girls" and not having a boyfriend.

Singing "John-Jacob-Jingleheimer-Schmit" with Jill and Julia, at the top of our voices, as we came back from band.

Matt, Rachel and I trying to invent a ghost story, to introduce on the Wartburg campus.

Climbing down the ladder of my loft and kicking the bowl of pumpkin seeds all over the floor.

Watching the show Faustus and discovering that Matt Meyer, (not to be confused with the Mason City Matt Meyer) as Mephistopholes looks HOT in goth make-up, spiked hair, pink sparkly disco pants and a fur coat. With high heeled boots. :-D

"C D E D B D Wings..."

Watching Rocky Horror Picture Show... for the first, and last time.

Filling Matt and Bryan's dorm room with 208 balloons for Matt's birthday.

Accidentally washing my chapstick, and discovering it after it had been in the dryer... and opening it and spilling melted, honey-scented chapstick EVERYWHERE!

Washing my work shirt in the sink with dishwasher soap.

"Monks in their monkeries..." -Ooooh Doc.... :-)

Drunk people walking by our window at 11 pm and mooning us... Which was the last time we had our curtains up after dark...

Killing this big, yellow spider with my scientific calculator.

Going on walks with Jill and just talking about life.

Seeing, on one of our walks, this porta-potty on which someone had written on the top: Capacity 10

Music Theory homework parties...

Well, that's all I have for now... Some memories are good... And some are not. That's life. *shrugs*

I guess... I don't know...

I guess I shouldn't have thought everything was going to stay the same...

Life changes... But that's the adventure right?

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