Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Happy times!

Today, I beat John Robbins at Lord of the Rings Trivial Pursuit after two and a half hours of intense gaming. It was sooooo fun!!! We're both about the same level of LotR knowledge so it was fun. There were times when we both couldn't remember stupid little things... Like, I totally forgot the name of the BIGGEST city in Gondor.... Minas Tirith... It was really silly... All I could think of was Osgilith and Minas Morgul... Whis isn't even in Gondor and was from anonther question. And John struggled with the placement of rivers, mountain ranges and Rohirrim burial places. I did finally get on a roll though... It was pretty amazing.... with questions like:

"Who's eye change from yellow to blue as the series progressed?"

And you people should guess...

And I got it right and John and Julia were very impressed. :-) It was soooo much fun! I want to play again. :-) I love that game! But we might try and tackle my Special Edition STAR WARS Trivial Pursuit next... Which is truely hard... Like, you have to know information about the people in the CREDITS... With questions similar to:"Who was the boom operator in 'The Return of the Jedi'?" lol... And John and I are trying to find a time when we can marathon the 3 extended edition LotR movies.... Which I've already done once, but would like to do it again. :-)

We got more music in band!!! :-D We are now also playing an awesome suite from Wizard of Oz.... It's 5 pages long. Heehee... The tuba part rocks big time!!! :-)

Tonight Julia, Katie, Jill and I made a fire in one of the small planted grills in on campus and rosted marshmallows and made s'mores. It was really fun... The stars were nice and bright... Even from where we were. We found Leo, the Big Dipper, Polaris, and I think Venus.

Alright.... night all!


Isaac Mahomie said...


scott said...

what's the name of the alien thing that say's "preciuosssss" I think it's him, even though i haven't seen the third movie and i don't really remember the first and second considering i only watched them once each.

Oh and here is a shout out to Sarah because i want to say hi, but it's likely i won't email you.

Anonymous said...

I think You mean Gollum/Smeagol

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.