Monday, January 29, 2007

Work, work, work...

Wow, I have so much freaking stuff to do... I have 4 papers due this week. One that I wasn't aware of...

Last night I watched Team America with the guys.... Wow.... That movie was completely ridiculous and ridiculously awesome. I laughed a lot...

...Another good thing about Luke, Chris, Isaac and Nate.. They didn't tease or scorn me when I asked questions about the things that happened in the video games they were playing... They actually would think about it and try to explain it... Not like Jesse, and sometimes Ted when I question the things in their video games... I usually get "It's a video game... Why do you have to questions? Just accept it." ....But I just want to know WHYYYY!!! I like to figure things out! lol

I played Halo with Ted and Jesse last night after Team America. I totally suck at Halo... We played for almost 2 hours and I killed them about a total of 10 times..... I lost count of how many times they killed me, or I killed myself... And not just falling off the sides and stuff... I blew myself up a couple times....

...And that would be why I'm so tired... I didn't get to bed until 1:45 am.... Probably not the best idea, but... oh well....

I still need to unpack from doing laundry at home.... But I have no TIME!!! AH!

Oh! Another thing that I am excited about.... I AM GETTING A NEW PHONE!!! YAY!!!!! No more stupid running out of battery after 30 seconds of talking!!! AND it's gonna be a Razor! SWEEEEET!

...Alright I need to go practice violin.....


N. R. said...

i desperately need a new phone.

apparently, when it restarts itself every couple of minutes, freezes, and the screen flickers, its saying "help! i'm DYING!"


N. R. said...


what were the other good things about Luke, Chris, Isaac, and Nate?