Saturday, July 08, 2006

w00t! Update!

Okay, so sorry about not updating for awhile, for those of you crazy enough to want to read this... ;-) Part of it was me being crazy busy, and the other part was that I didn't feel like blogging... sorry!

I hope you all had a great 4th of July! Mine was pretty good... On the 3rd Scott, Jessica and I went out on the jet-ski. We went tubing, and it was my first time! It's okay, not my most favorite thing, but still fun. After that, Scott invited Jessica and I over to his grandmother's house where his family was having a get-together. So we went and ate lots of yummy food and played with Scott's little brother and stuff. When dinner was over, we went to Mason City to watch the fireworks. There we met up with Greg, Kelvin, and Steven. The firewords were okay... Not too outstanding, but still fun to see. There was this HUGE explosion that we still don't know if it was meant to happen... Like , I'm talking gigantic fireball. Someone said it happened last year too, so I don't know what's up with that... Anyway, after the fireworks we all went to Greg's house and they set off fireworks and Jessica made a s'more for her, and a s'more for Scott, and I just roasted marshmallows and ate them. (Roasting = catching them on fire and letting the inside get all gooey and the outside turn to black.) I ended up eating about a half a bag of marshmallows, because I love roasted marshmallows! :-) I also burned a knuckle on my hand from the fire, because the roasting fork was too short, and the fire was a little too hot.. :-P I got home around 1 am, and woke up at 8 am for Clear Lake's parade. Nothing too exciting, but it was nice to see a parade for once... Since it's been forever since I've seen one... I'm always in them. Philomena and Daniel were both in it. Matthew decided not to walk with the Boy Scouts this year, so when they walked by they dumped a bunch of cold water on him, and it was really funny! :-) Philomena was in the parade for the summer play that Steben's Children's Theatre is charging an insane amount for.... And she was the last entry. So after the parade ended I walked to Lincoln Elementary and re-waited for the parade to end, and I walked with her back to the park were mom and I agreed to meet. On the way back we came across one of Clear Lake's newest editions...

The Ice Cream Truck! :-D

Bursting with childish glee, I quickly calculated in my head how far I thought the park was, vs. the current tempurature. I decided to take the risk of buying some ice cream for Philomena, myself, and the rest of my family. I must say it came a little close, as letting Philomena eat her ice cream while we walked to the park slowed us down, plus the minute or so when I wasn't 100% sure where I was, or where the park was while I walked around with 5 ice cream treats in hand. But I made it, and the ice cream was not gooey or drippy, but cold and delicious!

The municipal band concert that night went great! 2005 Miss Iowa, Carolyn and the current Miss Iowa, her sister Emily, both daughters of my amazing flute teacher sang "God Bless the USA" and the National Anthem. It was amazing!!!! :-) We played a lot of patriotic music, and I forgot that the piccolo part in Stars and Stripes Forever is hard.

Then I went to Perkins and worked the graveyard shift. I made a lot of money, as it got really busy as soon as the fireworks were done. Luckily they had scheduled other servers to work to help with the rush. Throughout the night, a couple of different parties of people, in various states of drunkenness came in. It was definately amusing, as well as profitable.... Oh, if only everyone tipped like they were intoxicated.... *sigh* The best past of the night was when a drunk guy asked me out. When I lied and said my boyfriend wouldn't like it, he exclaimed: "DARN! I ALWAYS get the ones who have boyfriends!" Hee, hee! It was great! :-D

I didn't get home until 7 am, even though I was scheduled to get off at 6, and I crashed and slept in till 2 pm.

I didn't do a whole lot on Wednesday... My grandparents, from my mom's side were over visiting, so I was doing the whole "family thing." Besides, Jessica was babysitting.

On Thursday I worked until about 3:30 in the afternoon, and after work I called Jessica and we went into Mason City because I wanted to buy the soundtrack to Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, as well as a PotC poster. I got the poster at K-Mart (the same one you have Heather!) and the CD at Target. While shopping I came across these awesome orange sneakers at Shopko that I think I will go back and buy soon, because they were wicked cool, and not just because they were orange! I tried on both the blue and the pink pairs, which did not look as good on me. So orange it is!

After purchasing my things, I dropped Jessica back off at her house and went home for dinner and stuff... Jessica came back over around 9:30-ish and we, plus, Mary, her friend Amanda, and my brother Matthew left to stand in line for the MIDNIGHT PREMIERE of PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN! :-D We played cards for a little bit, but stupid high schoolers/middle schoolers kept jumping in line so we eventually stood in line. And then I told off some other kids who left the line and jumped back in where they were... Ahead of us. Honestly, it ticked me off. I don't like people who cut in line.

Anyway, PIRATES was pretty cool, not as cool as the first one, but I enjoyed it. Isaac was there with some Bethel friends and they sat by us. Isaac said that Orlando Bloom is his rival, and I still think that's rather amusing. :-) I won't post any spoilers about the movie for a while, as to give you all a chance to see it.

...LOL poor Jessica... I did get rather excited at different bits in the movie and I would poke her and stuff... And she, being tired, got mad at me a couple times.... But it's okay, I know her well enough to know that it was nothing personal... Just her being grouchy... and I was kind of hyper... lol... I am a night owl and Jessica is not.

Speaking of being night owl-ish, I *do* need to get to bed, as I must get up for church in the morning..... So I will end this here, and finish it later! Night all!

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