Monday, July 03, 2006


I feel better tonight. Mom and Jessica (and Isaac) have told me that it's not my fault. I called Drew this morning and I e-mailed him my schedule for the week. We'll see how this goes. It looks like I will still be able to play my character. Thanks Brett, Isaac, Jessica, ArmyChris and Rachel for the comments. You guys are more then I deserve!

Brett: Thanks for the AOL hugs. :-) You and your collection of medieval weaponry are cool!

Isaac: You're right, although it's hard sometimes to look at the bigger picture when something "right now" has tipped Sarah's mental "scale" of her perspective on life. Thanks for being the counter-balance.

Jessica: I'm so lucky to have a best friend like you! Thanks for being like my twin, letting me bum around your house and eat all your food, hang-up the phone on your nasty younger brother, and thanks for letting me be completely weird and random in your company. PIRATES FOREVARRRR! :-D

ArmyChris: Thanks, I wish you were here to give me a hug too. You give amazing hugs! And thanks for the awesome AOL conversations. I enjoy them! :-) You always make my day better!

Rachel: Heehee, my comrade in sometime-to-occur semi-illegal crime. I miss you! I miss randomly dancing around the dorm to the "Bananaphone" song... I miss singing along to musical version of A Christmas Carol during not-Christmas-y times, and I miss listening to the "Rhododenron" song and "Hushabye Mountain" before going to sleep. Even though Dick Van Dyke has a subwoofer in his voice.... ;-)

Thank-you thank-you all!!! *warm fuzzies*

Jessica and I went swimming today. It was really crowded, but the water was great! Except my sunburn is about the worst ever of all time! Seriously, the back of my thighs are roasted-toasted bright red. I have sunburn lines on my butt. I'm sure all of you enjoy reading that. :-P I have put tons and tons of aloe the burn and I have taken ibuprofen to help with the pain. I'm not sunburn anywhere else because I actually used sunscreen. Bleh.... I think tomorrow, if I'm not filming, Jessica and I are going to go out on the Jet-ski. And then I will make sure to put sunscreen on my legs.

My high school band director makes his own beer and he is giving me a catalog that has
ingredients that will enable me to make my own rootbeer! YAY!

I want to go see Superman Returns again. And it's 4 days until Pirates!!! AHHHH! :-D

I am going to bed... Nothing too exciting here!

Thanks again, guys. *hugs*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The fun thing is that when you type 'subwoofer' I can hear you saying it and it sounds like 'subWOOFer!'. LOL!
You'd be proud of me, I'm going to the midnight showing of 'Pirates'.
And I'm dragging Margie and Bryan along. :D :D
Spreading the faith.