Saturday, September 30, 2006


So I'm sure you all would like to hear how awesome my birthday went yesterday!

And if you didn't, you wouldn't be reading this... :-)

So I got up, and Leah wished me a happy birthday.... And our stupid Wartburg internet was still not working so we had to go to music theory cut off from the world... I met up with Margie in front of our classroom and she hugged me while singing Happy Birthday, and that was awesome... I love hugs! :-D Then Rachel V. and Amanda sang to me once I got INTO the classroom... Theory went fine.... Fugues are pretty much the most evil of evilest musical things out there.... Then... I checked my mail and I got a package from home, and 3 cards! The package had Birthday Cereal (Trix and Kix...Yum!) plates, bowls, napkins, thank-you cards and a cutting knife. Back at my dorm, Rachel D. came over and gave me this awesome bracelet with a skull and crossbones hanging from it! (Which I love!) :-D Oh, and our interent started working and I had 23 (!) new messages. ALLLL but 3 from Facebook. :-D

Then I changed my outfit, like a million times, and I went to Lifespan Human Development.

Nothing exciting.

Then I went and took my History of Science exam.... Which was pretty much the most hilarious test I've ever taken... In the directions, after the usual "this is how you fill out the [stupid] scan-tron sheet" and "no cheating, [duh]" It said, "Since you've read this far, you deserve a treat. The answer to question 118 is A." Soooo I flip to the end of the test... And this was the last question:

118. Mares eat oats and does eat oats and little lambs eat ivy.
A. True B. False


How awesome is that? :-D I thought it was hilarious. That was quite an intersting test overall anyway... It had analogies... I haven't done those since the english section of the ACT test... :-P

Then Rachel V. and I went to lunch and Matt L., Rachel and Margie (again) sang Happy Birthday to me in the Mensa and they laughed afterward when my face turned bright red. (Curse you fair skin!!!) Leah joined us shortly after. When we finished I went to the information desk and picked up the angel food cake my mom ordered for me! :-D (Hence the knife in the package... So I can actually cut the cake this year...) :-)

I went back to the dorm and tried to clean while Leah left to run earrands. I really didn't get anything done as Rachel D. came over and we went to DQ for some birthday-ish celebratory ice cream. It was really good and an awesome good time, but there were lots of bees... :-P

Then I called Jessica back, cuz she had left a message while I was ice creaming, and I discovered that SHE WAS GOING HOME THIS WEEKEND TOO! :-D AHHH! :-D That made me very very very very very happy as I went to band.

Band rehearsal went better then Thursdays, although the piccolo I have is really giving me problems. :-P I haven't quite figured out its "personality" yet. The band sang to me and I got a couple hugs aftarwards! :-)

THEN! After band, in the lobby, Melissa, Jessie, and Rachel D. surrounded me and Melissa handed me a piece of paper with a rhyme written on it....It was a TREASURE HUNT! :-D They had clues for me to follow, which took about 35 minutes.... When I got to the dorms, Chelsea and Naiya joined the group. It was amazing and Jessie video taped it, which I want to figure out how to post here.... Especially since I really didn't realize that she was video taping, so it's genuine Sarah caught on film... LOL! It was crazy fun running up and down the stairs getting the different clues... The last clue led me to my own dorm and I found my present under a box with an "X" on it! It was the Pirates of the Caribbean Dice Game! :-D AND they gave me a plastic pirate hook! :-) Heee!!! They also gave me a cake made out of 3 musketeer mini-candy bars! Sooooo super, awesomely awesome!!!! :-D :-D :-D We took lots of pictures and they should be up here sometime in the future.

Then Melissa, Rachel D., Naiya, Jessie, Chelsea, Margie and I went to dinner and had a hilarious time... I made a puppet out of the apple I got from the fruit section and had fun making it talk to everyone at the table. Oh, and according to Naiya pianos go "tweet tweet tweet." (It's okay, you don't have to understand... Just know that it was hilarious!)

After dinner Margie, Michelle and I went to Christian's house, (Christian is Lourey's boyfriend) where we were going to watch the Doctor Who USA season premiere. Shortly after we got there, Rachel and Leah got back from Choir Bonding and we watched "Eddie Izzard Dressed to Kill" while we waited for Doctor Who to start. And I also opened presants.... :-D

I got:

A HOTT poster of Will Turner and a magazine about vacationing in the Caribbean from Lourey

A Pirates of the Caribbean II 16 month calander and a book about female pirates from Rachel V.! :-D

A black wristband that says "Pirates arrrrr cool", a black smokey-print skull and crossbones t-shirt, a skull and crossbones bandana, a skull and crossbones headband, skull and crossbones earrings, and skull and crossbones socks!!! All from Leah, who went to Hot Topic JUST for the piratey stuff!!! :-D (All I need are awesome pirate boots and some black nail-polish... And I could totally go "Gothic Pirate".)

I am so ready for Hallowe'en!!!! :-D

Then we ate the cake that Lourey made.... Marble, with chocolate frosting!!! SO GOOD! :-D We all ate really big pieces and it was amazing! :-D

Then Doctor Who came on..... WOW! I am in love with that show.... It's SO cool!!!!! :-D And David Tennant as the Doctor... So irresistable.... :-D Amazing profile... :-)

After Doctor Who Leah and I left, (we didn't get a chance to dye our hair, but that will happen SOMETIME) and met up with Ted, Jesse, and Nathan and we went out to Perkins. (My first Perkins run while at Wartburg btw...) It was really good, although I miss not being able to order off the senior menu... :-P Oh, and Leah got a little annoyed with me because I was showing off my knowledge of the Perkins menu... :-/ But our waitress was nice and I left her a nice tip on the table.

We still wanted to kill some time so we went to Wal-Mart and had fun just browsing.... Jesse got some Venus Fly Traps so he was happy... I looked at the Pirates of the Caribbean toys... Leah and I went through the guys cologne aisle and talked/giggled about what we liked... We looked at the fish... Looked at the Hallowe'en stuff... Where I got sufficiently scared by one of those inflateable lawn ornaments.... It was a coffin and this vampire deflates and inflates... Makeing it rise and lower back into the top of the coffin... I was looking at the singing pirate skeleton next to it and I stood next to the inflatable coffin in such a way that it gave off the illusion of being motion sensored.... Everyone thought it was funny... Well, yeah, it was.... But.. LOL.... Anyway, On the other side of the Hallowe'en stuff, in a display was another motion sensored manekin... Of a decaying butler-type figure... And its eyes freaked me out to no end, because they followed you... And Leah set it off and I jumped.... :-P I am such a scaredy-cat... But Ted gave me a hug... :-)



Then we wandered around Wal-Mart some more....

We got back to campus around 2:45. The guys ended up going to bed and not telling us, so Leah and I went to bed too.

A very very good day! A million thanks to everyone!!!!

Tonight Jessica and I went to see Open Season at the theatre here in town... It was cute.... Funny in parts, but not as hilarious as I was hoping. Then I went to her house and had some of her grandma's homemade cherry pie, ala mode!!! IT WAS SOOO GOOOOOD! :-D And we exchanged birthday gifts. I gave her an orange Wartburg Track and Field t-shirt, and she gave me a deck of cards with pirates on them, and a skull and crossbones mousepad. Which I love! :-D

It was a birthday of awesomeness and my heart is still rejoicing.



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