Sunday, September 03, 2006

Nothing terribly new...

Herbal Essance Totally Twisted-Curling Gel is my new best friend.... Jessica! I want your camera! My hair looks amazing!

Today was my last day at Perkins. *whew* I'm alive. It'll be nice to pick up cash working there during breaks and stuff, but I don't plan on working there next summer if I can help it. Last night there actually was a bit of a bar rush... I made pretty good money. What always slightly amuses me with bar rushes though, is that I get hit on a lot.... So I get to lie and say I have a boyfriend. Because that makes them stop. And I can pretty much use any name I want if they try and press for information.... Nobody has.... Although the name Edward has been at the ready.... LOL! And really, he could totally beat up any drunk, no matter how much they don't believe it. (heh-heh...)

Also, yesterday at work, Stephanie (a co-worker) told me that with eyelashes like mine, I should never have to worry about owning cats. In fact she made me promise never to get a cat, as that was admitting "defeat".... However, I am allowed to get a dog.

After I wake up, begins the official "Packing Like a Fiend" Day. As.... I really haven't *started* packing.... And I move in on... Monday... I will probably need to run to Target again as well... I am also in the process of making awesome curtains for our window. They are green.

Also, to anyone and everyone who talks to me online into the wee hours of the morning... Very soon I will be unable to keep those hours... Just to let you know... I won't be dead.... just.
Asleep. Or doing homework. *shudder*

Okay, I'm actually really truely going to bed early tonight!

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