Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Pirate Captain's Log

Ahoy me shipmates! Today be Talk Like a Pirate Day! And this sea wench has a whole bilge of homework to do. It doesn't press her into a very good mood. Especially since she has to go work in the galley flippin' burgers and the like. She rather practice then go to work. An' that's sayin' somethin'!

Unfortunately, I'm afeered that the day will be fairly uneventful... No ragin' seas to conquer or vicious beasts to gut... Just the blasted thing called homework... And practicin'.

Happy Birthday Rachel D.! May you have many more! Fair seas to you, m'dear!

Arrr! I'm sure it'll intrest ye all to hear that Leah and I ate our evenin' meal with a good lookin' lad by the name of Steve! He be quite the buchaneer... Good temperment, and good lookin' too! It be a stoke of luck that Leah plays the piano-forte for his high-toned fancy-to-do voice lessons... Maybe I can employ her to play matchmaker fer the two o' us... Accordin' teh Facebook he be single...

Curse these blasted allergies to the depths of Davy Jones Locker!

I also be learnin' how to knit! I bought me some needles and some yarn and I be clickin' away, perfectin' this new skill!

Alas, I must shove off... I should attend to a least SOME of my duities.

1 comment:

samharris32 said...

wow... that was actually really impressive... i dotn think i could do it!