Monday, September 11, 2006

Happy Birthday Jessica!

First and foremost, today is my best friend, in the whole wide world, aka Jessica's birthday. Yay!!! I sent her an e-card and I Facebooked it, and I've called her twice. Once to leave a Happy Birthday message on her voicemail, and the other was returning HER message, and leaving another happy birthday message on her voicemail. I am a dork.

Jessica, if we were home, THIS is the cake I would make you! :-D Oooor THIS one... But really, you know it would probably end up looking like THIS.... It's the thought that counts right? LOL!

Okay, so I thought I had a piano lesson at 1:30 today so I DASHED back after History of Science, (which got done at 1:05) because I didn't know where my piano lesson music was... I finally found it in the pastic drawers I have in my closet, so I head back to the FAC, relieved that I have plenty of time to spare.... Jammin' on my iPod... And I get to the office where I have my lessons and look at the schuedule which is posted outside the door.... And... I discovered my lesson is on Wednesday. Phooey. :-P It's not a big deal, it's just that I totally skipped lunch to find my piano music. And my schedule renders me starving by 12. So I grapped some food from the Den.

I told Rachel V. I was going to go over and visit, but when I did stop by she wasn't there or answering her cell phone, soooo I have some time to kill before band. Thus, a blog update! Yay! :-D lol...

I must admit, I am enjoying the "free time" I have before the major workload sets in. *shudders*

Rachel D., Leah and I played Phase 10 last night til 12 am. Leah won... Rachel and I lost majorly... :-P But it was fun! I love card games!

Oh, I don't know if I said this, but I got into the IS class I wanted! It's American Sign Language and Deaf Culture. I now know how to say "My Name is:" and then fingerspell my name. Yay! :-)

I have gotten all my boxes unpacked, now I just need to finish finding homes for all of my stuff..... It will be a lot easier once I get a band locker, then I music and flute can get out of the way.... And I still need to figure out how I'm going to set up my speakers... I really think I need another power strip... I don't have enough outlets.

This morning, leaving music theory I could smell the Nestle Factory in town... The smell of chocolate wafting through the air definately momentairly brightened the stupid cloudy day.

I'm sleepy, as usual, but I don't have time to nap. I am going to head to band soon!

1 comment:

scott said...

Hooray for many power strips.