Monday, July 30, 2007

What happened after the last blogpost...

Okay so food poisoning really sucks. Like a lot. I can now say this from experience, and not just from observation.

Rachel V. had gotten food poisoning from eating chicken nuggets from the McDonald's 'round the corner and 2 blocks West from our hotel in New York. From watching her experience, I could tell it was not fun at all.

Now I can say from my own personal experience that it is REALLY not fun.

I didn't eat the nuggets though. For me it was the burgers that messed me up. From the McDonald's in Waverly, where I had driven through on my way home from Rachel's.

I went to bed directly after my post last night feeling a little sick to my stomach. I feel asleep for about a half hour and then woke-up at 11:30 pm which begun the 45 minute increments in which I would throw-up. This lasted until about 4 am.

I had to call into work (which I did at about 1 am) to tell them that even though I made it back home from vacation safe and sound, I wouldn't be able to come in due to the fact that I was tossing cookies at regular intervals. Oh, and not sleeping at all in the down-time.

My mom did a good job of taking care of me. I love my mom!

I finally fell asleep shortly after 4 am and slept on and off until about 1 pm. I've been upstairs since. I read more of Treasure Island, ate some stale saltine crackers and watched MGM's 1937 movie "Topper" starring Cary Grant. :-)

I'm feeling a lot better and plan to go back into work tomorrow.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Ah! That really stinks. I don't think I trust McDonald's for anything but french fries now. Glad you're feeling better! *massiveHUGS*