Saturday, March 17, 2007

"Is this our exit?" "I don't know..." "Take it!" "Okay." "... I don't think this is our exit."

:-) So Rachel V. and I just got back from going to see Bridge to Terabithia in Cedar Falls. It was a really good movie! Good acting, good special effects... (Duh, it was done by WETA...) It was more of a "character development" story than anything, but I liked it a lot. I cried, because I'm a sap like that.... :-)

While the movie was good, I think the best part was trying to get there.... Neither of us have actually DRIVEN to this theatre, although we've BEEN there a couple of times before. We've just always been passengers in other people's cars. Leah was kind enough to lend me her car, so I drove.... Which... Was interesting.... I probably shouldn't drive on the interstate in my glasses again, until I get my contacts back.... At least at night.... ANYWHOOO, in total, driving to and from the theater, we took the wrong exit twice, turned around 4 times, accidentally drove 65 mph in a 45 zone, (but we didn't get caught or anything), and drove through stop sign which we didn't notice until after we drove past it (it was in a parking lot) and dealt with ONE WAY STREETS!!! AHHHH...! One way streets with big cement medians are nasty.... Overall, it was quite an adventure. :-)

Things to do tomorrow:
Start research on music history term paper... maybe write an outline
Meet with future suitemates for lunch
Practice flute, trombone and piano
Research Mozart for K-8 music methods


Anonymous said...

"218!! There it is! 218!!"
"Yeah! Go!"
......"Wait, gravel?"
"I don't think this is 218."

Hilarity of all kinds!!!
Thanks for the good time Sarah!

Sarah said...

HA! *THAT'S* the quote that I couldn't remember! Thanks! :-D

LOVE YOU BACK! It was an awesome good time!