Saturday, March 10, 2007

I have no brain!

So I'm here working on my music history paper about Henricus Isaac... And I just read what I had wrote earlier.... I said that Isaac lived from the middle of the fifteenth century to the early seventeenth century...

Uhhhhh...... no. It's definitely the fifteenth century to the early part of the sixteenth century.

I so totally can't count.

I am also really tired of listening to countertenors. If you don't know what a countertenor is, go here and watch this. I really have NO idea what's going in the actual opera... The whole thing is kind of weird, but it's a good example of a countertenor. No he is not dubbed, yes that is his real voice. A lot of the Renaissance church music I have to know for my music history test uses countertenors, since women weren't allowed to sing in the choir.

But Palestrina writes really pretty music.... So does Claude de Jeune...

..Madrigals are dirty...

I don't want break to be over.... But I want the social life of college.

Or I want it to be summer.... I miss driving home from Jessica's at 11 pm, cruising along North Shore with the windows down, blasting Green Day or Wicked as I drive. Warm summer air... the sound of the lake.... *sigh*

I still am coughing... I don't know why. :-(

Stephen and Philomena are watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

Stupid paper....

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