Thursday, November 13, 2008

What? Me again?

Two posts within two days? Oh man, oh man.... What is the world coming to?

This weekend I am going to Ames with Rachel D. and some friends to see the Vlog Brothers! John and Hank Green are stopping in Iowa on their Tour de Nerdfighting . Who's excited??? ME! ME! PICK ME! Mary can't go, because she has theatre stuff. :-( (Don't worry, there'll be pictures and stuff.)

What else is new? Um... It was mostly sunny this morning, but started to rain this afternoon, and it finally stopped. It was really depressing. I don't know what I would prefer right now... Snow or rain. Probably snow... Rain in November is sad. Yesterday it was super foggy in the morning. I just hope this weekend is nice. :-)

Rachel D. had her junior recital last night and it was faaaabulous! I was really proud of her! :-) (I was also nervous for her, but she did great, like I knew she would.) She now can breathe and chill and not stress out about her recital. It's over! :-D You survived!

Oh, also. About the election. I'm really glad this guy didn't win. What a crazy man..... Anyway, Nov. 4th was kind of a blah day. Everyone was happy except me. :-P (And Rachel V. We commiserated together.) I'm just glad it's over.

Ok, enough of that.

I don't know about anyone else reading this blog, but I'm tired. Not just physically tired, but mentally tired. I just want to sit and do nothing. I miss being able to sit and just watch a movie. I mean I don't have a lot of stuff to do, or a lot of stuff going on. Academic-wise, I have nothing to complain about. But the time and effort I put into the day takes up a lot of my energy. I drink lots of Mountain Dew. It's not MORE busy or stressful than anyone else's. It's just different.

I miss exercising. I can't believe I'm typing this. I have a lot of nervous energy that I feel needs to go somewhere.... But do I have time? Do I have energy? I don't know... I probably do, but if I have time to go exercise, I probably have time to practice my flute.... But practicing my flute takes a lot of time and mental energy... Blaaaaaaaarghhh.....

Gah! I have this piece of hair that is too short to tuck behind my ear.... I love my new haircut, but sometimes it's annoying. I should find a bobby pin.

The Twilight movie is next weekend.... The 21st I think. I'm really exciiiiiited! :-D I really hope the movie doesn't suck. I haven't decided if I should go see it by myself sometime that week and then seen it again with Jessica over Thanksgiving, or find someone on campus to see it with me or what. I AM going to go see this movie. And it will be the epitome of fangirly, joyous glee. With lots of squealing, giggling and, if you know me, lots of shaking and hitting as I try to draw your attention in the dark theatre to whatever I notice or figure out in the movie. (I'm surprised Jessica even goes to movies with me anymore... Haha...) But.... AHH! I'm really excited!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, I'm off to run to Wal-Mart with Rachel D...


Rachel said...

Yes! Yes I did survive! =D *breathes calmly*
Loooove you!!! <3

Jessica said...

BTW-I still love going to movies with you...the only one I may tend to block out of my memory was Pirates when I was way tired...hehe, you know what I'm talking about. And...I'm pretty sure Beth Ann, the girl I was sitting next to has bruises on her leg from me hitting her. We had our arms locked the whole time, it was fantabulous, and I can't wait to see if with you!