Sunday, November 30, 2008

Stuck, but safe...

So earlier today I was joking about how amusing it would be if a bunch of people couldn't make it to the 2 hour Christmas vs. Wartburg rehearsal tonight, just to spite the fact that they had rehearsal on Sunday night, at the very end of break... And I end up being one of those people who couldn't make it because of the ice! :-( I feel like I jinxed myself. :-P It took me 45 minutes to turn around and make it back home, which would have normally taken me 10. In 2 miles of interstate I saw 8 cars in the ditch and we were crawling along at about 30 mph. Not good...

So yeah... So I'm sitting at home... Feeling guilty because I missed rehearsal, even though I didn't really want to be there in the first place.

I got to have lunch with my friend Bre today! We went out for Chinese and it was really good! It was also good to catch up. :-) We usually manage to see each other once or twice a year. We did a lot of things together when we were little, and it's nice that we're still friends. :-)

Yesterday I hung out with Jessica... I helped her decorate her Christmas tree and then we went an saw Twilight, for the second time for both of us. I don't know if it was better because of the second time, better because I was seeing it with my best friend, or better because Luke had just visited the day before... Maybe it was a combination of all three, but Jessica and I definitely enjoyed ourselves and had fun cuddling and squealing over the awesomeness that is Edward Cullen.*

After that I dropped Jessica off at her brother's hockey game and I went and saw Bolt which was pretty good as well. I enjoyed it, the whole movie was very quotable. Not as good as Monsters Inc. but as a movie made solely by Disney, I'd say they did a pretty good job. I'll admit it. I teared up at a couple parts... I'm a sucker for animal movies. I love the hamster, Rhino. He was the best!

I've been listening to my iTunes on shuffle for the past hour and it's been very keen to play many of the romatical-type songs I have... Right now it's playing "Someone is Waiting" from Company.

Okay, I need to get to bed. I need to get up early to check school cancellations and road conditions.

*I would like to point out that I have come to the realization that love for a fictional character is really not the same as being in love with someone in real life. This may read as a "duh" but for the longest time fictional characters were all I really had. Yes. I have a sad life. But it's better now.

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