Sunday, August 12, 2007


1. Surprise, surprise. I have pink eye again. In BOTH of my eyes. But my right is worse then my left. The left is the gunky one, and the right is the light-sensitive one. I'm so glad my eyes have both symptoms individually covered. For what it's worth, they ARE better then they were this morning.

2. I went futon shopping with my mom this afternoon! It looks like I'll be buying one from Shopko for a total of about $150.00. Good sturdy wire frame, and 6" spring mattress. And the frame has those bar things on the front to keep the mattress from sliding down. Score!

3. I saw STARDUST today with my friend Jill, who a.) I haven't seen all summer and b.) just got her wisdom teeth out Thursday. We both enjoyed the movie completely despite the fact that her face was still a little swollen and I'm in my glasses for reasons stated in #1. Stardust = total awesome-ness! I LOVED IT! Go see it! :-D

4. I still haven't had time to read the new Stephanie Meyer novel, Eclipse despite the fact that I bought it last Tuesday. :-(

5. Still looking for a car.

6. I have two weeks left at work and yesterday was my last Saturday! No more having to get up at 4:45 am to have enough time to drive to work! YEAH! :-D

7. I bought an awesome floor lamp for the dorm. It has 5 adjustable lights. But I might take it back... Target's ad had a similar light, with 60 watt bulbs (instead of 25) on sale for $10 as opposed to the $20 I just paid for this one.

8. I bought a Pirates of the Caribbean wall clock! Pictured blow:

Yes it is made of plastic. Yes it cost only $10.99. But I don't care. I think it flippin' rocks! :-D

9. I went to my first ever rodeo last night. I was kind of dubious about it at first, but it ended up being really fun! April, a coworker invited me along with her and we had a good time!

10. I need to call Leah about room furnishings... Mostly about who's bringing the TV and if she got a new microwave.

11. I am going to the Iowa State Fair on Saturday! A time to eat lots of delicious greasy food! I'm looking forward to the Porkchop-on-a-stick, Dippin' Dots and perhaps a deep-fried Oreo or Snickers.

12. I just spent 2 hours writing up my birthday/Christmas list for my grandparents... I hope I sent it to the right email address. (Two hours because I was distracted by many other things.)

13. I miss my flute, which is at the flute doctor. The long over-due check-up/overhaul is scheduled for the 23rd. If it costs less than $500, I will be very happy. But I doubt it.

14. I AM BEING DRIVEN INSANE BY COUNTRY MUSIC! I hate it with every fiber of my being! I have to listen to it for 9 hours a day, 5 days a week! AHHHHHHHHHH! I am so tired of the radio in general. I am starting to wish for a talk radio station... At least that would be something different to listen to each day.

15. That is all for now.


Anonymous said...

Awww hon.
I'm sorry.
It sucks that you have pink eye.
I'm sending you great big awesome, non-infectable e-hugs.
And lovin' you a lot from afar.
Sorry you have to listen to country music every day...
Think of it as just building up knowledge for the next time you get to play 'Encore'. ;)
I love you lots and lots and lots, and can't wait to see you again.
Great big 'sorry you're sick' hugs,

scott said...

I am sad for you because you have pink eye, and I like your new clock, but I don't sympathize with your dislike of the radio and country music. I happen to like the radio very much, I like the randomness of it. And I like country, mainstream (like kiss FM stuff), rap, Christian, classic rock, good time oldies, even classical or talk show style radio stations. Although, I will admit I tend to listen Kiss the most.

I didn't know you were looking for a car... ? Good luck, hope you find somethin good.