Friday, June 09, 2006


Fact: it is possible to toast marshmallows in the toaster oven, hovever, while deliciously gooey, they lack the smokey flavor they get when you really cook them. It's just not the same.

Oh, and this didn't happen, but if you ever DO put marshmallows in a toaster oven make sure you watch them, so they don't burn and fill up the oven and the room with smoke. Trust me, it's not the same smoke as burning wood... This would be the marshmallow on fire/burning bread crumbs-type of smoke. Not good.

It's definately cooled off today. It's cloudy and basically dreary... Jessica and I are going to watch a movie. We haven't decided what yet. Last night we went and saw RV. It was hilarious! We both loved it! Kristen Chenowith is really awesome, as is Robuin Williams, when he's not being crude. I think we're going to see Pixar's "Cars" sometime soon as well!

The Kraft thing at Kelly Services was soooo inefficient... They told me to come early so they could start at 8:30 on the dot and we didn't start until 8:40... Then they had us fill out tons and tons and tons of paperwork, for the Kelly application, then you sit there and wait for everyone else to finish... Then when everyone's done, you wait some more.... Then you wait while they breifly interview each person. (Yesterday there were 6 people, counting Isaac and I.) And then when that was done you waited some more, then they came and we had to watch 2 movies. And the whole morning was like that.... BLEH! We didn't get done til like 12:20 pm. And to top if off, Isaac and I both got parking tickets for being parked over the time limit in the 2 hour parking zone. *eye roll*

Then I quickly drove through McDonalds and went to my interveiw at the farm and that was awesome! I decided to take that job over Kraft. The Farm will pay me $8/hr while Kraft was $7. And during strawberry season I could work 7 hours a day, for 2-3 weeks. After that I won't work *as* often, but by then I should know what I'm doing at Perkins and be able to make some good money there. Wooohooooo!

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