Friday, June 02, 2006


Okay, so it looks like the summer job is out. >:-( Mom made me call the staffing agency like, 3 times today, even though i didn't want to and they couldn't give me a straight answer to what the flip is going on... So it looks like I am REALLY back to square one. *facepalm* This job did seem too good to be true... GAH! *incert Sarah's not-happy-face here*

Annnnnnd my youngest brother has left plastic frogs in my bed.... *eye roll* :-P


I went over to Jessica's for dinner. It was pretty much amazing! :-D There was... AVOCADO FETTA SALSA! *dies* It really is amazing.... *siiiigh* There was other stuff too, but that was the best. After dinner, Scott, Jessica, Jess's brother Jake and I watched TLC and "What Not to Wear, Worst Dressed Family" because Jessica is pretty much obsessed with that show... :-) Then we played Apples to Apples for about 2 and a half hours. When we stopped, Jake ended up winning with 35, and I was second with 26.

Funny quote from the night:

Me, watching Scott wrestle with Jake, and noticing his muscular arms: Ooooooo! Scott, you have some nice guns!
Scott: Thanks! I prefer to call them cannons.

LOL... just funny stuff....

But not the part about no summer job.

Stupid staffing people/company....


Ummm... I biked around the lake again today. It was nice... a little bit of a headwind coming back, but I survived.... I also unpacked a bit... I threw out a lotta stuff.... haha...

Blah, what else.... Not much....

I'm going to bed!

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