Thursday, June 29, 2006

Woooooo! SUPERMAN!

Okay, so I just got back from seeing Superman Returns with Isaac, his brother and his dad. IT WAS AMAZING! Okay, so I'm totally a newbie at the whole "Superman" world... I used to watch the TV show, but that was it. I've read the Spiderman and Batman Darkhorse Comic Encyclopedias but not Superman... I should get on that... But anyway, I thought the movie was spectacular, spectacular! It was really hard, but I didn't go all "fangirly" in front of Isaac, because I know he doesn't like that.... But Brandon Routh, who is from Des Moines, Iowa... Is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo good looking..... *swoons* Not even joking.... He is definately eye candy!

Now I wanna rent the previous ones.... lol.... YAY Superman! :-D

I had my factory interview this morning. They said they'd call me if there was an opening by 12 pm tomorrow. So I guess we'll see... It was definately awkward being the only female in the group of 30 guys... And there were more group interviews after my session.

.....Superman........mmmmmm...... :-)

Today, after finding someone to cover part of my shift at Perkins so I can go to the interview, they call me this morning and say I don't need to come into work at all because they're overstaffed. No big deal, so I call Jessica and she's babysitting and Julia and Jill are at work, os I call Bethany and leave a message. She calls back and asks if I want to go out on the lake with her in her boat.

Duh. Of course I do! :-)

So Bethany, her younger brother Casey and I went out on their boat. It was really really fun!They're teaching me to water-ski. I almost have it, and I can almost stand, so I just need some more time. :-)

Here's a tip to everyone.... Don't eat sloppy joes in bed. Ever. They are aptly named, and no matter how careful you are, you will spill some, somewhere. And then you will have orange sloppy joe spots on your bed sheets. So just reisist, and don't do it.

Ug. I am so tired.... I have more to blog, but I NEED to go to bed... And to put aloe on my sunburn...

1 comment:

Isaac Mahomie said...

but I LIKE sloppy joes...