Thursday, June 08, 2006

A job! At last!

I really need to get to bed, but I jumped on because I wanted to say that I have finally gotten a job...

At Perkins... Not what I was shooting for, but absolutely better then nothing. And it is NOT Mcdonalds... Which is where my mom suggested I apply.... Ug. :- P Anyway, everyone I've told has informed me that I should make good money in tips, so that's heartening at least.

I also have an interveiw tomorrow at 1 pm at a local farm that sells produce. We'll see if I get that job... and then we'll see if I can juggle the two of them...

ALSO at 8:30 am I have a "workshop" tomorrow at Kelly services for our local Kraft plant. It's to fill out applications and stuff. Isaac is going too.

And I'm still doing municiple band.

I went swimming today at 6 pm with Jessica and Scott. It was kind of cold. And I can't throw a football to save my life... lol...


Isaac Mahomie said...

Ha! Now when all the late nighters come in to Perkins, YOU have to serve them! HAHA!

Sarah said...

Yeah, so? :-P At least it's a job.