Thursday, September 08, 2005

... And Good Company

Thank-you my friend,
For sharing with me,
Your love and your warmth,
I’m grateful you see.
They bloom and they grow,
On someone in time,
For the best things in life,
Are born in the mind,
And I’ve been made warm,
For friendship is mine.

-Ahhh, camp songs…. *sigh*

Jason: Wow. I don't know how to express what I want to say... I had so much fun spending time with you... Getting to know you... We've had some good laughs, and lots of warm, contented, "enjoying each other's company" moments. You make me laugh, and your random surprise visits at work were the best!

Do you remember when we went to the sea wall, on your birthday, and those stupid kids were in the roped-off construction zone, and threw those traffic cones into the lake? And I didn't know the phone number for the PD non-emergency, so I called my Dad! Oh, that night was the funniest EVER! :-D

Dispatcher: (talking to me on my cell) Can you see who did it?
Me: Yes. It's the one in the water that did it.
Dispatcher: Alright. Hold one moment please... (heard over phone AND police radio) IT'S THE ONE THAT'S IN THE WATER THAT DID IT.

-Oh, my gosh, we about died... It was SO funny!!!

And talking on AOL until 3 am... Good times! :-)

I hope to catch up with you and the gang when I come home and visit... I will miss you!
Laura: I am so glad to have met you! Your strong will, and sense of humor are prominent traits, and you have the makings of a strong leader... Stronger then you are now. :-)

It was nice to discover we had more in common then just mutual friends, and The Swordsmen. Although I wish I had known some things earlier... Maybe that would have helped me, with some of the choices I made.

You are definitely invited to come visit me at college! In fact, I demand it! lol... (I know Julia would enjoy it too...) I will be sure to let you know when there are choir events going on!

Do you remember when we danced in the pouring rain, at Elias's house, and FORDED the creek 2 times, as if we were on the Oregon Trail? Then going to Be-Bops after filming, and I didn't know where to park? And the three second delay on the van's horn? *whack* ......... "HONNNK!" hahaha!

I hope to get to know you better, as time progresses... You are an outstanding person, and I will stay in touch... I adore your blog, and there's always AOL! Have fun with your senior year!

Julia: I love laughing with you! I value our friendship so very much, and you are one of the few people I can tell ANYTHING too! You help me get through so much! We will have fun in college, I know. Remember that I’m always here for you too! :-) We should do a dorm sleepover, over a weekend, or something…haha!

Do you remember when we first met at CIT Camp? Wow… How our friendship has grown! And working on staff together… You are an amazing woman! I admire you so much! Your optimism and perseverance are brilliant qualities, and they are ALWAYS catching! :-D

Remember that one time we went to the maze, and then went dancing at the Surf? And I tried to teach you how to play poker with popcorn, and we eventually gave up, and danced?

AND MAKING COOKIES!!!! Oh, my gosh!!!! *dies laughing*

“My mom and her sister… Oh, wait. I forgot the funny part…” – you

Me: (referring to “well done cookies”) They’re a little burnt…
Mom: So you sugared the waxed paper???

You: What’s a carburetor?
Me: It’s part of a car.
You: I know that! CAR-burator!

And remember seeing Harry Potter together, WAY back when? Wow, it’s been a long time… and worth every minute…

Here’s to a bright future!

Sam N.: You are another amazing woman who I can tell ANYTHING too! Your struggles are my struggles, and your joys are mine as well. I love the precious time we get to spend together, though it is never enough…. Your friendship is a beacon of light in my dark, confused life, and I appreciate all the times you’ve listened to my rants and ravings.

I also demand that you come, and visit me at college. We will have fun! LOTS of fun! You will meet my awesome roommate, Rachel, and visit Julia and Jill! :-)

I am so glad we got to know each other on our Europe trip… My life would be so incredibly different if we had just remained “just two people, who randomly talked, then drifted apart after the trip.” Yay, Switzerland! :-D

Do you remember eating half of that GIANT ho-ho bar? And the “Mosse” singing Duke of Earl with ALL THE VOICE PARTS! Eric sleeping on your shoulder, and drooling…… And that walk we went on in Seefeld, Austria? And you talked about being a ‘thespian’ and I thought it was like ‘lesbian’? (LOL) And we sat on a stone wall and just talked…. And Mark came, and chatted… *sigh* THEN you running off to the hotel, for the bathroom, in the rain, and me getting lost and trying to break into the wrong hotel…. Boy, was it hot on the way back from Venice… :-P

Fact: Orange Fanta, Provolone Cheese, Marshmallows, Maraschino Cherries, and Chocolate Pudding taste good when eaten at one sitting. :-D

You’re still not going to be able to get me on a roller coster! :-P I miss you, Oh Great and Glorious Sam!
Breanna: You are such a sweet, lovable person! I love hearing from you, and catching up on everything! We go way back, and I’m glad we’ve stayed in some contact with each other!

You are so passionate about your faith and very considerate of others… I think that is just amazing! May God bless you and keep you! Best of luck in college! *hugs*

Thank-you all…. I don’t know what else to say… Each one of you has touched my life in some way, and helped me become who I am now. I hope to continue the great friendships I’ve been blessed with for many years to come!!!!!

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