Thursday, September 29, 2005

What is it like to be 19...

For the record, I DID STUDY TONIGHT


*warm fuzzies* Matt, Rachel, and I (while studying... so there...) watched TV until midnight, then which Erik stopped over, as well as Holly (my RA) and they all sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! IN HARMONY! Oh, it was beauteous! Then I opened all SEVEN cards from each member of my family... I had been waiting... haha... (Thanks Mom and Dad... Mary: yours made me laugh a lot, Matthew: how does Stephen know about Hawaii? Thanks for the AWESOME pictures Daniel and Philomena, :-D and Stephen, what in the world is a squishy cake???) AND the package, which contained BIRTHDAY CEREAL! YAY! Kix rocks my swashbuckling socks!!!!

My Grandparents on my Mom's side also gave me this cool clock thing... It's one of those with the 'wand' that waves back a forth, and makes a lightboard appear in mid-air. Matt spent 20 minutes programming it to read (in addition to the date, time, and day of the week) HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH! MATT IS COOL! and ALL HAIL DAME RACHEL!

And my Dad's parents sent me money! THANK-YOUUU! YAYAYAY!

AND Jessica left me a happy happy happy note on AOL.... She is amazing... I loooooove her!

AAAAND Andrea left me a note on FACEBOOK.... So did Holly! :-D :-D

OH! MY! GOSH! AND LINDA (my friend from New Zealand) SENT ME AN E-BIRTHDAY CARD! *DIES*

And Matt likes my uber-fuzzy fleece throw blanket type thing...

ANNND I fell asleep (between studying) watching the end of Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame... Matt and Rachel were laughing at me. :-P

AAAAAAAAAANNDDDDD Matt, Rachel and I might go bowling soon for my birthday. :-D

AND, and final AAAAND, as a birthday present to me, I am going to bed! Night!


Anonymous said...

That is a nice new tradition to start, *grins*, openning cards and gifts at 12:01 am!
I hope you continue to have a fantastically fun day!
Happy, Happy, Birthday!
Love ya!

Isaac Mahomie said...

Hey Sarah! Happy Birthday!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Slightly belatedly, but happy birthday :) All the best!

Anonymous said...



You are officially half-way to old. My friends and I have proved it. OLD.

Have a kick butt day!