Sunday, September 25, 2005

A room full of sleepyheads...

*smiles quietly* As I'm typing this, Matt is sleeping on our futon, and Rachel is sleeping in her loft. The movie Funny Face starring Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire is playing on TV, and I'm here, quietly blogging. It's nice to have friends who can all just snooze together. I would be snoozing too, if it weren't for the fact that I have lots of things I should be doing, like studying. (bleh)... I enjoy the fact that Matt is over a lot, and feels comfortable with our company to sleep on our futon... If that makes any sense... Anyway, I am content. My friends are my family.

Last night Rachel, Matt and I went and saw Casablanca. Dr. Earl showed it in the small auditorium, and there were other people there besides us... just for clarification... haha... It was cool, and amazing, and fantastic... Movies today just can't achieve that type of class found in Casablanca... The lighting... Oh. My. Gosh. The lighting was absolutely amazing... I can't get over it... Nor can I adequately describe it... They glowed and their eyes sparkled... Wow... Just. Wow....

After the movie finished, we came back to our dorm and Matt and Rachel gave me my own personal performance from Sound of Music. Rachel played Elsa, the Baroness, and Matt played Max, both at different schools. And in the *Broadway* show the only song they sing is together, so they acted it out for me in our dorm. :-D Oh, it was glorious! Then they did various other numbers from the show... Oh, it just rocked my swashbuckling socks!!!!

Ok, so that's all I should give myself time for.... I should study or something.

...They're still sleeping...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


It feels good to have close friends like you do-hold on to them!

One of my fondest memories from my freshman year was when a bunch of my friends (probably 5 of us) and I curled up in my bed and watched movies on a cold winter's day.

Now I've moved into a house with 3 of my friends two blocks north of campus (within walking distance-heck yes!). We almost feel like grown ups now!

You should let me know what your school address is so I can send you harassing letters :P
My new address is:

927 S. Arch St.
Aberdeen, SD 57401
