Friday, July 08, 2005

Stupid Question of the Day from Movie Gallery:

"Do you guys have the 3rd STAR WARS movie on DVD yet?"

Oh, my gosh people! In a*week* it will out exactly ONE month!!!! DVD?! Are you crazy?! *Just* because it's not in theaters around *here* doesn't mean it's out on DVD yet.... Sheesh!

Oh, and yes I am ABSOLUTELY sure that ALL of our copies of "The Pacifier" are checked out... You asked when you walked in, I checked, and there were none... There are still none as you leave. And don't get mad at me! How is it my fault that other people got there first, or that they won't return their movies on time???? For pete's sake, if it's such a big deal, go to Target and by the gosh darn thing!!!!!!!

-As you can see, I had an exciting day at work... Stupid, stupid people.... *shakes head*

Oh, and Wal-Mart, if my photos aren't done tomorrow, I am gonna pitch a fit! The sign for the holiday week *said* that if film was dropped off on Sunday, (the 3rd) it would be done on Thursday... So I stopped in on Thursday, and the lady said that they weren't done, come back tomorrow. So today, I put $10 of gas in the van, drive out to Wal-Mart and they STILL weren't done!!!!!!!!! And they told me to come back tomorrow!!!!! They have been there five days.... How long does it take to develope pictures, people????? *fumes*

I'm gonna finish my McDonalds and go to bed.

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