Thursday, July 07, 2005

Europe Journal, entry 7


Weather: Mostly Sunny
Current Location: On the bus, in Dover.
Current Time: 10:21 am GMT (4:21 am CST)
Current mood: Tired/excited
Current music: The final credits theme from Star Wars "A New Hope".

We’re sitting here on the bus waiting to board the ferry to go to France. We’re in Dover. Over my shoulder are the White Cliffs of Dover. They’re white because they’re made out of chalk.

On the top of the hill is a castle... I don’t remember which one...

We had to get up early to leave today. It’s about 2 hours from London to Dover. The English countryside is so pretty!

A little more about the Tower of London... I really didn’t talk about it much... It was really impressive! There were several amazing swords for different events, some with very ornate pommels. The scabbards were just as cool as the swords! There were lots of stones on some of the sheaths. There was a sapphire that was almost as big as my fist! It was set in the coronation crown. There were several other tiaras as well. What a lot of diamonds!!!

That same day we rode the "Tube" and saw Big Ben. The bell behind the clock face is actually called Big Ben, after a champion prize fighter in the 1800’s, but now the whole building is referred to as ‘Big Ben’. The bell weighs over 1400 lbs.

We also saw, from the outside, Westminster Abbey.

We’re boarding the ferry.


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