Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Europe Journal, entry 5


Weather: Overcast w/ some sun.
Current Location: Victoria Embankment Gardens
Current Time: 4:15 pm GMT (10:15 am CST)
Current mood: Tired and a little grouchy.
Current music: 20th Century Fox Theme

They’re not giving us enough time to do things...

Yesterday we went and saw the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London, then we had our concert, then we went to Harrod’s, then I went and saw Les Miserables.

Les Miserables was really cool! Even though I wanted to see Phantom of the Opera, Les Mis was great!

The set was like a big turnstile, and the actors would walk around, and the stage would turn, and it was like they were traveling.

The lighting was cool, and the fight/war scenes were neat! There was a lot of smoke, and the guns made me jump.

The singing was phenomenal!!! There was a really cute guy who led the revolution! (I think the character’s name as Enjolras, or something.)

I sat in the middle row ("E") of the balcony, in seat #10. I met this nice lady from Wales, and we talked before the show started.

I want to see this show again! I’m addicted!


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