Friday, July 22, 2005

My day...

Well, I thought I had a dentist appointment this morning at 8:45 am to retake some x-rays, BUT it turns out that the appointment is NEXT Friday... So that stinks. :-P I could have slept in... *sigh*

Then I wrote 3 thank-you's for some scholarships that I recieved, and then I went to John's house, (after taking my brother the weed-wacker, and picking up some stuff) and we watched movies. Poor guy just had his wisdom teeth out yesterday, so he was a little drowsy from the meds.

After I left John's house, I stopped at the gift shop and bought some key-lime pie! YUM! That has got to be one of my all time FAVORITE pies! (And Jessica, if you read this, CALL ME! I don't care what time! I bought you a piece too!) And I also went to the mall, and looked at cards at Hallmark... I didn't see anything that fit what I had in mind, so I bought a strawberry smoothie at Cookies Etc. instead, which was a quicker gratification. I also visited with my friend Jill, from the Europe trip!

Um... next I came home and talked on AOL for a couple hours... Mom yelled at me because I didn't make it to the post office on time...

Then I worked at the movie rental store, from 6-11... It was busy... And I'm still dumbfounded on how many people think that you don't need a membership to rent movies... Uh, hello? What motivation would you have to bring movies back? You have to have a library card to check stuff out at the library! *shakes head* And yes, you have to 18 be to start a membership! A membership is a legal contract... which you cannot lawfully enter as a minor! Stoooopid people!

Now I'm back from work...

Oh, the buick got a flat tire while I was at work... Dad put some air in it, so he could get it to the mechanics, but he said he could hear it hissing out... So that's not so good.

I am also meeting this guy named Jason at a local coffee house tomorrow morning... He's a friend of Isaac's and we started talking on AOL, and decided that since we were both bored, why not be bored together! LOL... so I hope the car gets fixed in time to go meet him.

You know what's really funny? The Reduced Shakespeare Company! They are definately for 'older folks' but they are an absolute RIOT! They do Hamlet in 30 seconds, and then they do it backwards! It's hilarious! -is their website... read the bios if you want any clue as to how funny this group is!

I'm will be playing my flute in a wedding in two weeks! Yay for money! I think it will be fun! The music isn't too bad.

My friend Andrea is coming to visit in *TWO DAYS*!!! I cannot WAIT! It's gonna be so fun! :-D

On Wednesday, I spent the night at Jessica's house! We had a BLAST! We got ambitious and made dinner for her mother, and ourselves... Pizzabread, Poppyseed muffins and this REALLY delicious veggie chip-dip... Soooo none of the stuff really went together, but it all was SO good!!!! I had lots of fun cooking with Jessica! She rocks! *hugs* Then I watched Napoleon Dynamite (Love ya Jess!*wink*) and quickly visited with Sam on MSN. Then early the next morning there was a thunderstorm that woke me up for a bit... Then around 9 am, we got up and put in the movie Troy. It was okay... I was dissapointed in Orlando Bloom's performance... It kinda sucked. Brad Pitt was pretty cool, aside from the fact that he was the ONLY character in the movie who DIDN'T have some form of British accent. It stood out like a sore thumb... (To me, anyways.) But the music, costume/props, and fight scenes were WAY awesome!

OH! And I have officially signed my life away... I have autographed the promisary note for my student loan.... And if I fail to pay it back, the bank will collect their money in the form of one pound of my flesh.... (Not really... I just felt like putting a Shakespeare reference in there...) But I hear they might accept first-born children.... (Just kidding, again!)

Whew! It's late, and I'm tired, so I'm gonna go to bed...

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