Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Europe Journal, entry 6

~Later... (7-6-04)

Weather: Partly Cloudy
Current Location: My hotel room in London
Current Time: 10:53 pm GMT (4:53 pm CST)
Current mood: More content then before.
Current music: "Can you hear the People sing?" from Les Mis

-"Mind the Gap!" — Random Subway or "Tube" voice.

-"Look, there’s a pigeon!" "Phone the Mayor!" — Allen our tour guide and us, as we toured London. It’s illegal to feed pigeons in London.

-"The Mayor is calling out the S.W.A.T. team, a fleet of machine gun helicopters, and a firing squad to get rid of the pigeons." — Allen on our tour.

"I can’t close the door, your bum’s too big!" — Elevator, or "Lift" attendant to a big, tall, "stocky" guy who ran on to join us, who were already crammed into the lift... The door wouldn’t shut because he was in the way...

After I finished writing my last entry, we left Victoria Embankment Gardens and went to Covent Gardens. It was fun! We saw some cool shops. It looked like the market from "My Fair Lady."

We saw this street performer, who after doing some juggling, did his final act of riding on this 5 ft unicycle, while juggling 2 machette knives, and an apple. Before he started though, he picked out a girl from the audience to be his "assistant." When he brought her in front of the crowd, he introduced her, and said in England, that this was how they greeted "ladies," and he kissed her on her hand. Then he indicated for her to give him a peck on the cheek in return... Then, as she leaned forward, he turned his head at the last minute, and she ended up kissing him flat out on the lips! It was really funny, but boy, was that girl surprised!

For dinner, Nicole, Brandon (this guy from our bus) and I ate at this restaurant called "Points." I had a BLT. It was good.

Then, when we were done at Covent Gardens, Mr. Newport took our group to King’s Cross Station!!! I got to see, touch, and photograph Platform 9 ¾!!! How cool is that?!

I’m really bummed that I didn’t get to see much of Mark... He’s on the Yellow Bus... That kinda put me in a bad mood today for awhile, but that’s how it goes sometimes... And the fact that I’m really tired doesn’t help either...

Tomorrow we leave for Paris! I am definitely coming back to London... I didn’t get to see all of the Tower of London, or Westminster Abbey, or St. Martin’s in the Fields, or St. Paul’s Cathedral, or the Globe Theater, or Baker Street, or Madame Toussaude’s...

I’m going to shower and go to bed!


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