Sunday, July 03, 2005

Cool idea...

Throughout the month of July, I will be posting entries from the journal I kept on my Europe trip, trying to match the dates with the 2005 posting. I think that would be a cool way to remember all the fun I had on that trip, and give everyone who hasn't had a chance to read my journal something to laugh about... :-) To limit the confusion, I will post my Europe journal in the color lavender, and my normal posts in black.

I just got back from the Other Place, where Lisa and Matty and I all went out for pizza after work. It was a lot of fun, and that pizza really hit the spot.

Movies that I rented: Braveheart (Aren't you proud of me, Isaac?), In Good Company, and this movie called Indigo, which looked interesting... I'll have to get back to you when I actually figure out what it's about...

Today Jess and I worked on our "secret project" for Julia!!! Yay! It was WAY fun!!!!

So I'll go post my Europe journal entry, and head off to bed!

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