Monday, July 04, 2005

Europe Journal, entry 3

7-4-04 *HAPPY 4TH OF JULY*

Weather: Not quite sure... I’m still on the plane, I don’t know what’s going on down there...
Current Location: In the air, flying to London.
Current Time: 7:00 am GMT (2:00 am CST)
Current mood: Sleepy/excited
Current music: "The Star Spangled Banner"

GMT stands for ‘Greenwich Mean Time" NOT "General Motors Time" like I was trying to convince Mom earlier.

The plane food was "okay". I didn’t eat a whole bunch. Then they showed a movie about Elvis, from the Travel Channel, and some other stuff. Then the "real" movie was "Welcome to Mooseport" but I slept... as well as I could...

These airline chairs don’t give you a lot of room to be comfortable., and I lost my little pillow that came with my seat. Oh, well...

We are going to arrive in London in about and hour and a half! After customs and luggage claim, we’re off to see Windsor Castle in the city of... Windsor... ha, ha.

Okay, so I want to get up and use the WC (water closet) or "Loo," (Hey, I’m going to Britain) and put my contacts in, but the drink carts are coming, and I don’t want to get in their way.

I hope I can meet back up with Mark in London... His stop, since he’s on the Yellow Bus, and I’m on Blue, was Newark, not Minneapolis.

... My hair is all messy... And I haven’t washed my face.... I hope I don’t have a lot of break-outs.

I haven’t gotten air-sick yet! I am happy! I only got carsick on the bus trip from Cedar Rapids to Chicago.

The plane gives out these headphones the you plug in, and you can listen to different types of music, or listen to the movie. I’ve listened to the classical station for... I don’t know... 4-5 hours, and I have discovered that after about 30 songs or so, the play list starts over...

A lot of people on the plane are still sleeping... It’s funny to look at them.

Well, the drink cart is almost here...


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