Friday, February 02, 2007

A brief reflection...

Heh.... I really have no clue what I'm doing.... and I'm scared... But that's normal, right? It's part of the adventure....

This seems like it was made such a long time ago...

And some things aren't even applicble any more.... It's interesting to see what changes... And to try to figure out what I was thinking at the time... Like #43. He will have standing on one foot contests with me . -Wha??? I'm pretty sure that was a filler... Or #101. He will often have overdue library books. -I think I was trying to say somethng along the lines of "he will be an avid reader." And #106. He will play croquet. -Huh??? I don't remember why that one is there either....

...I think I was also in pre-PMS way-super-lonely mode... But that's okay.

THIS on the other hand is still 100% totally me. I still can't believe I wrote that.... I am going to get that published someday. That poem is me... It's a part of me... I love it...

I like what my sister said to me over Christmas break... "You shouldn't say 'hopeless romantic.' Instead you should say you're a 'hopeful romantic.'"

I think the "anit-chick-flick kick" has started coming to an end.... I'm not ready for "The Notebook" yet, but no more loud protestations to watching romantic girly movies.... *is a dork*

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because the people who mind don't matter and the people who matter don't mind."


scott said...

I have a technical unrelated question; what happens when you go to the new version of blogger?

Anonymous said...

That's because you have to watch the Notebook with me *smiles* and I will cry again, even though I've read the book and watched the movie at least 3 times before hehehehehe!

N. R. said...

doesnt having overdue library books mean he doesn't read them?

Sarah said...

I was thinking more like, he liked them so much he didn't want to return them. :-P