Friday, August 04, 2006

Master List

A while ago a friend of mine also made a "master list" and I've wanted to make one too. I've been musing over this for a while and finally decided to post it. Keep in mind that this list may shorten or lengthen at any given time. It's not posted to make fun of anyone, or to point out any particular person. I don't know if a person like this even exists or if I've met him already. Oh well. This is my Master List.

1. He will be taller then me.

2. He will be a strong Christian.
--Bonus points if he's actually Catholic.
----If he's not Catholic, he will respect my beliefs and not ridicule them.

3. He will sing.

4. He will tell me I'm beautiful and mean it.

5. He will look into my eyes and smile, and when I ask him "What?" he will hug me and say nothing.

6. He will join in on my randomness.

7. He will like Harry Potter.

8. And Lord of the Rings.

9. AND he will enjoy Chronicles of Narnia

10. He will like the original STAR WARS.

11. He will like adventure movies.

12. He will be at least tolerant of "warm fuzzy" chick-flicks. Like Pride and Prejudice.

13. He will make me laugh.

14. He'll know that even though I get grumpy and moody it's nothing personal, and he'll love me anyway.

15. He will be heroic. Even if that only means squishing spiders for me or opening a pickle jar.

16. He won't make comments about woodwinds or brass and whether one is superior to the other.

17. He will surprise me.

18. He will take me on long rambling walks.

19. He will understand when I am utterly content.

20. He will share my love of music and Broadway, but he won't be annoying or arrogant about it.

21. He will argue with me.

22. Sometimes he will let me have the last word.

23. He won't let me be passive aggressive.

24. He'll understand that no means no and stop absolutely means stop.

25. He will be Conservative.

26. He will indulge and join in on my random whims... Like making rootbeer, learning to speak Elvish (From LotR) and anything else I want to do. And he will think of his own random stuff for us to do together.

27. He will hold my hand, no matter where we are.

28. He won't care that I can't sing very well.

29. He'll rock out with me in the car to the tunes on the radio.

30. He'll let me drive instead sometimes.

31. He won't laugh at me when stupid things make me cry during PMS.

32. He'll help me deal with things that I think are scary. Like vaccinations.

33. He'll be aware that needles and other medical related things make me feel ill.

34. He'll tell me how lucky he is to have me.

35. He will stand up for me. Whether I'm there or not.

36. Sometimes he will play silly jokes on me.

37. He won't be afraid to ask for help.

38. He'll remind me to lighten up.

39. He will keep my secrets.

40. I won't ever have to say "No, not until we're married." because he already holds that belief himself.

41. He will play duets with me on the piano.

42. He will let me blast classical music out of the car as we drive along in the summer with the windows rolled down.

43. He will have "standing on one foot" contests with me.

44. He will like M*A*S*H.

45. He will enjoy hanging out with me and my friends.

46. He will understand the storybook characters in my head.

47. He will take me on my first rollercoaster ride.

48. He will do his best to alleviate every discomfort when I am sick and in bed.

49. He will help me with math, and be very patient about it.

50. He will be able to incorporate quotes from "Pirates of the Caribbean" into everyday conversation.

51. He will keep a tally of how many times he can make me laugh so hard I snort. Tickling doesn't count.

52. He will point people out to me and say "They look just like how I picture [so-and-so-character] from [so-and-so book]."

53. He will call me on the spur-of-the-moment when:
A. He wants to tell me how much he loves and/or misses me.
B. Something brilliant occurs to him.
C. He sees something hilarious.

54. He will let me be over-dramatic sometimes.

55. He will help me be realistic sometimes too.

56. He will understand me when I use long words.

57. He will give me ideas for my artwork.

58. He will be theatrical.

59. He will know about the Code of Chivalry.

60. He will know what it means to "uphold and defend a lady's honor."

61. He will know that I'm not a morning person.

62. He will be a good storyteller.

63. He will know where the lyrics: "...I'm the chappy to make you happy/I'll tie your shoesies and chase your bluesies away..." comes from and sing them to me. And mean it, even though the song is terribly corny.

64. He will listen to me rant and ramble about everything and nothing.

65. He won't be afraid to correct me when I make mistakes.

66. He will know that I don't like horror movies and that I have no desire to watch them. Pretty much ever. Not even with him.

67. He will listen to the crazy dreams I have when I sleep and be thoroughly entertained.

68. When I ask him how his day went he will say more then just "fine" or "good". He will elaborate and tell me all about his day. The good and the bad.

69. He will take me to sports games and let me wear his favorite hat.

70. He will remind me to put on sunscreen.

71. He will understand that there are certain times when I absolutely cannot do anything until the ibuprofen kicks in.

72. He will only say "I told you so" in jest.

73. He will have an amazing vocabulary so that he will hardly ever feel the need to swear.

74. He'll know what I mean when I say "music makes me high."

75. He'll understand that sometimes I get jealous.

76. He will make decisions about what to do together.

77. He'll remind me to breathe and not be nervous.

78. He will love my family.

79. And know all the names of my siblings.

80. He will like home cooking, and play taste-tester when I try out new foods. If I ever make new foods. Or cook at all...

81. He will be tolerant of things that were once food but have been rendered black through some cooking mishap or other. He won't be afraid to suggest ordering pizza and renting a movie instead.

82. He will be able to finish my sentences for me sometimes.

83. He will roast marshmallows for me and won't comment how weird it is that I like mine burnt black.

84. He will know when to tease me and when to freaking-not.

85. He will put his arm around my shoulders when we're at the movie theatre.

86. He will have a rapier wit.

87. He will understand intellectual jokes.

88. He will enjoy old movies.

89. He will admit that he's not perfect... But sometimes he'll insist that I am.

90. He will dance with me. Real dancing... i.e. BALLROOM dancing.

91. And sometimes dance spontaneously with me when the there is music playing.

92. He won't make fun of me when I say "ewww gross..."

93. He will know when to give me my space.

94. He'll tell me to stop pulling my hair back because it's harder for him to run his fingers through it when it's in a ponytail.
---Sometimes, when it is pulled back in a ponytail, he'll walk by and "swish" it. Just for fun.
-----But he'll know that whether it's in a ponytail or a braid, my hair is not a bell-pull.

95. He'll be tolerant of my mechanical ignorance, and teach me about it instead of ridicule me.

96. He will let me fall asleep in his arms.

97. He will write in complete sentences.

98. He will know the difference between the words "your" and "you're" and when it is the correct time to use them.

99. He won't wear pants that hang off his backside.

100. He will recognize my "Look of Death."

101. He will often have overdue library books.

102. He will like Disney's Beauty and the Beast.

103. He will know the original story of The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Anderson

104. He will know who Danny Kaye is.

105. He will be gentle.

106. He will play croquet.

107. He will take me on picnics.

108. He will tell me when I am being irrational.

109. He will notice with I change.

110. He will not wallow in his insecurity.

111. He will be self-sufficient.

112. He will know what it's like to work hard for a living.

113. He will know what it's like not having enough money for "frivolous" purchases.

114. He will always want to improve.

115. He will help me carry heavy things.

116. He will share my excitement for getting new music.

117. He will not say things like: "That's because you're a girl."

118. He will make me feel safe.

119. He will like Christmas music. Even if it's not Christmas time.

120 He will take me outside in the summer to play in the rain, and in the winter to play in the snow.

121. He will know why I identify with Wendy from Peter Pan.

122. He will remind me that everything will be all right.

123. He will tell me that he trusts me.

124. And he will say "I don't know how I survived before I met you."

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