Friday, August 25, 2006

Summer list check-off!

Remember this list? It's time to check things off!

1. Learn how to make homemade rootbeer -Check! Jess and I did this last week! Taste update: TOO watery and WAY too much carbonation... Next time, less water and less yeast.
2. Teach Jessica to stage-swordfight so I can have someone to practice with. -I "kind of" got this when I taught Heather and Amanda what I learned, but I didn't practice it.
3. Eat as much Avocado Fetta Salsa with Jessica as humanly possible
-Definately check! I even actually have the recipe now, so I can make it on my own!

4. Make scotcheroos :-) -Jessica, Scott, and I completed this soon after I originally made this list. They were very good!
5. Go see Pirates of the Caribbean, Dead Man's Chest as much as possible -3 times... Pretty good, no?
6. Keep in contact with all my awesome friends -Facebook is amazing...
7. Practice my flute a lot to get ready for band auditions
8. Practice piano
9. Marathon as many as possible pirate-related movies with Jessica -We marathoned 4! :-)
10. Work on the 5K running plan with Jessica -This kind of petered out after I started working at Perkins all the time... And it pretty much stopped after Jess left to work at camp.
11. Hang out with Jill -We did a couple times!
12. Go camping with Jessica for the weekend
13. Survive municiple band -I'm alive!
14. Write to my friends and my sister at camp -I got one letter each to my sister, to Jessica and to Julia.
15. Participate in the summer movie -I was in an eensy-teensy bit.
16. Get coffee with Mike as much as possible -Well, we didn't get coffee, but we had lunch a couple times and definately hung out together!

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