Sunday, August 27, 2006

There's always stuff for me to do...

Dad and I went and set up my loft today at Wartburg. It went fine, although we again got screwed over by our dorm furniture... 2 dressers with only 3 drawers each, and no shelving for the desks. Stupid. Oh, and while the walls and the ceiling are painted a standard drab tan, our closet walls are painted bright sunshine yellow. What's up with that? Anyway, we got my loft up, no problem and it looks like Leah will be getting one too, and our room is on it's way! *mutters* Stupid furniture...

I am in love with my iPod. :-)

Gah! I have been absolutely starving all day... And no matter how much I eat, I'm hungry again soon after.... What is up with me?

My old high school is doing "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown". I know it's going to be.... painful... There is no one at my school who can do a decent job playing any of those rolls... I think the only reason they are doing that show is because they did it... probably 7-10 years ago, so they might already have the script somewhere. I don't know what they're thinking.

Things I need to do this week:

1. Practice my flute.
2. Be on the computer less.
3. Clean my dungeon.
4. Sort through my stuff.
5. Pack the stuff I am going to take.
6. Make a list of stuff I need to buy.
7. Buy the stuff on the list.
8. Figure out if I'm going to stay with this perscription of contacts.
9. Finish reading "The Dark is Rising" and "Twilight"
10. Start and finish reading "Summerland".
11. Return library books.
12. Make birthday list.

I hate allergies.

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