Thursday, August 31, 2006

Allergies are not fun...

>:-( My allergies have been so bad today.... It's terrible... My nose has been running and my eyes... well, with the contacts in, they're going nuts. It's not cool... And this new contact I got for my left eye today... Is messing with my brain... When I just look though my left eye I see double. Last time I checked, that wasn't normal. Good thing I'm going back in tomorrow for another check-up.

The benedril has been messing with my brain too, I think...

So I started packing tonight... I went through a box of books and 2 other smallish boxes of stuff. I threw out all my old notes and handouts for the "gen ed" classes I took last year... It was kind of hard, because I'm such a pack rat, but really, I don't need them. I did find this funny tid-bit though... From my Religion 101 class... My teacher was paraphrasing Paul's letter to the Philipians:

Hi! Love ya, miss ya! Talk to you later! Oh, and Jesus is Lord, Hallelujah! ~Paul

I am too amusing for my own good, sometimes...

I am resolved not to take as must stuff with me to college this year... This means parting with still more of my beloved books... Although Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and my two Calvin and Hobbs comic books must come with me. Also, I am bringing my Professor Snape action figure. Crazy. I know. But under his plasticized scowl I was able to write many a paper last year, very glad that I do not have a teacher like him. So he is coming. My Pirates of the Caribbean McDonalds toys are coming as well...

I hate allergies... My nose is sooo stuffed up....

I am going to go school shopping tomorrow... I want socks... And curtains... or at least something to make curtains out of... Maybe a desk pencil organizer-thing... A back-pack.... I'm sure I'll find stuff I... um. Think I need... Maybe some plant food for poor Charlie the II....
Stuff currently on my birthday list: Twilight, by Stephanie Meyer (or anything by her); Pride and Prejudice on DVD, a gift card to a fabric store to help with my adventure cloak (which I've decided to put off right now. I just think I shouldn't spend money on that at the moment); iTunes gift cards are cool too.

Note to self: Glue whiteboard back together.

Speaking of "Twilight"... I finished it!!!! That makes the.. 3rd book I've managed to finish reading... (:-P) A simply amazing book.... Who'd have thought a book about vampires would feed my hopeless romantisim.? I highly recommend it.... I haven't gotten this involved in a plot line for such a long time... The book is so great and awesome and well-written and entertaining. GO READ IT NOW!!!!!!!!

I love the Broadway version of Beauty and the Beast... *siiigh*

*growl* So I finally got tired of my right eye freaking out due to this whole allergy thing... I took them out. I don't like wearing my glasses, but at least my eye isn't all irritated anymore... Now only if my nose would clear up.

Tomorrow I think I'll also start cleaning my room.

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