Monday, February 26, 2007

Still sick...

I did a little better today. Getting 12 hours of sleep helps a lot. I'm still coughing like none-other. My abs hurt. :-( I think I'm going to wait one more day before I go back to class, my coughing would be kind of disruptive, but I might be actually able to eat in the Mensa. We'll see.

... I haven't been outside since Thursday, and the farthest I've walked is to the shower room on my floor. Kind of sad, no?

So much for intending to practice for my music lessons... I will probably just ask if I can reschedule, since I got sick RIGHT after I had them, so I didn't have any time to practice.

So first we had a thunder storm, and then lots of rain, which alternated with sleet, then freezing rain, then snow pellets, then snow, and more snow. In fact, it is still snowing. Craziness... Welcome to Iowa. Pretty much everything has been canceled in the past two days. Church services, concerts, meetings... It's pretty impressive. Saturday the lights went out even, for about a half hour.

Evidentially the power plant in town is running on generators... The whole campus received an e-mail asking us to turn off and unplug all unnecessary electric appliances, because they are afraid there won't be enough power to support all the business opening up on Monday. I kind of think that was a bad idea... sending out that e-mail... Because I know there are going to be dozens of students who will turn on everything they can because, 1. the email told them NOT to, and 2. because no power means maybe no class. We'll see where this goes.... lol...

Today while I was procrastinating I was looking into a lot of Doctor Who stuff... Because Doctor Who is pretty much awesome!!! :-D I want to go to the Doctor Who convention in Chicago! I think that would be SO MUCH FUN!!!! I want a Sonic Screwdriver! Looking through some of the merchandise I found a cooler that was in the shape of a Tardis! HA! :-D I thought that was super cool, and I wanted to buy it, but it was over a hundred dollars... :-( And I still need a memory card for my digital camera. David Tennant is a very very handsome man. :-) *sigh*

Oh!!! And Rachel V. and I are going to make a Dalek this May Term after we get back from New York! Because we're science-fiction geeks like that.... Heeee! :-D After we make it, we are going to take pictures with it all over campus. By doing this we are pretty much sealing our geek-dom, but we don't care. It will be marvelous!

Okay, I should start towards the direction of my bed...

... I miss human contact! :-(


Anonymous said...

No Dalek Patronus?!
Do you think they have that rule at the other wizarding schools too?
I personally think it's quite silly.
I mean....Dementor vs. Dalek. Who's going to win there?
*shakes head*
Honestly wizards, come on.
It doesn't take a muggle to see who wins THAT battle.
:D :D
Feel better m' darling!
And now you have the whole 'dalek vs. dementor' scenario to ruminate on! :D

Anonymous said...

I forgot to sign my name...
Oh well.
If you can't figure out who wrote you the 'dalek' comment...You're in worse shape than we thought. ;-)

Sarah said...

:-D I love you Rachel V.